September 16, 2021 | News
KHS Newsletter : 16th September 2021
At the close of this term we celebrate the resilience and determination of our school community.
Thanks to all our students, parents and carers, families and community for your solidarity and support this term; and also to our Kyneton High School staff for going above and beyond to enable the continuity of education for our students through a lengthy period of remote learning. We are looking forward to a well-deserved holiday break, and hopefully, to returning to a more normal routine next term. In this issue we highlight what makes our school a great place to learn, and the people that make it so inclusive, caring, interesting and enjoyable. Well done everyone!
On Friday 10th September we welcomed back onsite our Year 12 students and Year 11 students undertaking their VCE Units 3-4. It was a wonderful for teachers and students to be able to end the term in face-to-face classroom teaching, especially as we come to the key stages for final assessment stages in the year. Under the current conditions, we will be able to continue with our Practice Examinations with COVID-safe measure in place; these are scheduled for the second week of the term holidays. They are an invaluable revision tool and all VCE and scored VCE-VET students completing a Unit 3-4 subject are encouraged to attend.
As part of the government’s vaccination blitz, we acknowledge and thank Bendigo Health for coordinating the outreach vaccination clinic for all Year 12 students, and students in Year 11 VCE Units 3-4, who attend the five schools in the area and live in the Macedon Ranges. The clinic was kindly hosted at Braemar College.
We have many stories to celebrate this term’s achievements, and to finish I would like to share one of them. Many of you will know Cheryl Simmonds who works in our General Office, and whose ‘heart of gold” has helped and supported so many students and families in their daily interactions with school life. This term Cheryl submitted applications to State Schools Relief with our Wellbeing Coordinator, Amanda Summers, and through her extra effort and follow-up, nine students were provided with laptops and internet devices. We are grateful for the effort of all those involved and trust that the students’ learning will be greatly enhanced.
On that note I would like to wish our students, staff and everyone in our school community an enjoyable and relaxing term break.
Stay safe and well and see you next term!
Ana Rees – Principal
Year 8 Challenge Day
On Friday 10th of September all Year 8’s had a welfare/activities day in lieu of missing out on camp.
There were two competitions held as part of that day: a Minecraft building challenge and a photography challenge.
Here are some of the amazing submissions from our year 8’s:
Caroline Sharpe
Year 8 Level Leader
Games with Gareth!
During this past lockdown ‘Games with Gareth’ reappeared. Organised for Mondays for Year 7s, Wednesdays for Year 8s and Fridays for Year 9s, during Period 5. The purpose of Games with Gareth is to give an excuse for students to check-in with a someone from the Wellbeing team, to socialise with each other, and to also relieve stress. Have a bit of a laugh. Have a bit of fun.
Games with Gareth consists of games like trivia quizzes, Pictionary or Balderdash.
All playable online and accessible for any student to join.
Games with Gareth will continue until we are all back at school.
All students between Year 7 and 9 are welcome!
Lockdown Cook-Alongs
The Show Must Go On!
During our latest lockdown 8M, 8C Home group and Miss Dalley’s 9/10 Creative Cooking class all continued with their weekly cooking classes. We made Weekender biscuits, pizzas, Chelsea Buns, Wellness Bowls and cupcakes. We had a lot of fun and banter along the way and only a couple of minor accidents and an occasional misjudgement. We had to think on our feet and substitute ingredients that were not in the pantry.

Thank you to all the families for allowing us to take over the kitchen every week. I hope students cleaned up after themselves and shared their goods with everyone at home. Also, a special shout out to Charlie the bird who sat on Caitlyn’s shoulder during the weekly cook-alongs.
Claire Dalley
Mmmm… the smell of baking
Mmmm… the smell of fried laptop
What could possibly go wrong???
Our kit car project has progressed to the “Rolling Chassis “ stage of production.
Pictured with the kit are Mr Dudley and Mr Rotgans.
Year 7 Physics
Year 7 students built complex machines out of Lego models as part of their physics topic investigating forces and how simple machines work together.
These machines are inspired by a range of appliances such as egg-beater, door handles and cars. Well done to all the engineers!
Ms Quynh
Watch the Lego Beasts in action!
School Notices
Hey Parents!
Do you remember your school yearbook?
Those of you who were students here at KHS will have your old copies of Columns in the back of the spare bedroom wardrobe or out in the shed somewhere.
COLUMNS is the permanent glossy chronicle and souvenir of your child’s year at KHS.
It showcases the best of everything they did through the year.
When your kids have their own spare bedroom and/or shed, they’ll need their own copies of Columns to keep there!
Columns 2021 costs $25
If you ticked YES to Columns on the fee schedule at the start of the year but haven’t actually paid yet, we don’t want you to miss out on your piece of KHS History!
So we remind you to please organise payment through the Office early in Term 4 on 5421 1100
The KHS Yearbook – 98 Years and Going Strong
See the video below for a quick trip through its dazzling history!

Victoria is transforming the delivery of senior secondary education with the introduction of a single senior secondary certificate that will offer greater access to quality vocational and applied learning pathways for all students. The senior secondary education reforms aim to provide access to education and training that is relevant, engaging and that delivers in-demand skills for the future world of work, ensuring that students can access education that leads to employment.
Next year students will still be able to enrol in either the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The following year, in 2023, VCAL students will be enrolled in the new VCE Vocational Specialisation or the new foundation pathways certificate which will be introduced to replace Foundation VCAL. The VCE Vocational Specialisation will be recognised internationally, be valued by employers and will build on the strengths of VCAL including providing:
- flexible timetables that allow students to study at school, TAFE and work
- opportunities to experience real-life workplaces
- subjects that will build students skills and prepare them for life after school
- greater access to high quality VET learning, either in school, a neighboring school or a local TAFE
Annette Brown | Pathways / Senior Years Administration
Whatever happened to…
Our Jake then & now
The KHS alumni program is run in conjunction with Ourschool, a not-for-profit service helping Victorian public high schools build thriving alumni networks.
Please contact Lucy King at for more information.
To learn more about Ourschool, go to
The new uniform was introduced two years ago with a two-year transition. That means that THIS IS THE LAST YEAR that the old school uniform can be worn, and ALL STUDENTS must wear the new school uniform from the start of 2022. Students who have purchased old school uniform items during the first semester will not be able to wear these items in 2022. The old school uniform will not be on sale after the end of this semester.
This includes the option of wearing a plain black jacket which students were allowed to wear with the old school uniform because the supply of the old spray jacket had become unavailable. So, from next year, ONLY THE NEW SCHOOL JACKET OR BLAZER is allowed to be worn as outerwear.
Students in years 9 to 11 need to make sure that over the course of the next semester they make plans to phase in the new uniform. The uniform is available to be ordered online at this link:
or you can visit the Noone Bendigo Store at 21 Queen Street, Bendigo Vic 3550, Monday – Friday 9.00am-5.00pm or Saturday 10.00am – 1.00pm
After negotiations extending over a period of several weeks, arrangements have now been completed for the extension of an existing bus route which now serves the Kyneton High School.
The present Kyneton to Woodend bus route will be altered and will now include Tylden. The bus will leave Kyneton, travelling through Tylden to Woodend, and returning to Kyneton.
Previously, Tylden pupils of the Kyneton High School had to make their own transport arrangements, and therefore the extended bus route will be of great service to those living in that area.

In the assembly hall of the Kyneton High School on Thursday afternoon the prefects for 1952 were announced, and three new nominees were invested with their badge of office.
Prefects for the girls will be Mary Dettmann (senior), Kathleen Bowman and Betty Bourke.
Prefects for the boys will be Ronald Eastwood (senior), Gerald Bowe and Alan Whatley.
Kyneton Guardian 22nd March 1952 (via Mal Closter) and The Magazine of the Kyneton High School 1952 p.6
And while we’re talking historical Kyneton, just look at THIS!
Freshly published by the Kyneton Historical Society, KYNETON FROM PAST TO PRESENT is a big, fascinating and copiously illustrated history of Kyneton and district by Ken McKimmie and Larina Strauch. Six years in production, it is now for sale from Aesop’s Attic ($55.00) and from the Historical Society itself.
Friday September 17th | Last day of Term 3 |
Monday September 27th to Thursday September 30th | Year 12 Practice Exams |
Monday October 4th | Term 4 begins |