June 14, 2024 | News

14th June 2024
From The Principal
As we approach the final weeks of the first semester, I would like to acknowledge all our wonderful staff for their commitment to the learning and wellbeing needs of our students. I would also like to commend our students on their hard work this term and congratulate them on the ‘grit’ they have shown in getting through the requirements of their courses of study. This has been a very busy term which has included major assessment activities. In the next weeks we have the General Achievement Test (GAT) for VCE and VM students, Year 10 examinations, and Year 10 Work Experience.
Student voice is valued at Kyneton High School and is a vital aspect of our school culture. Students from all year levels have participated in the annual Attitudes to School Survey. This is conducted by all public schools and provides us with important information about our students’ experience of school so that we can plan for ongoing schoolwide improvement. This term we have also had teachers asking for more specific feedback from their students using the Pivot Survey to guide improvements in teaching and learning at the classroom level.
This week our Year 9 students have completed the Morrisby Assessment which provides students with information and guidance for career pathways based on their abilities, personalities, and aspirations. Once these reports are available, they will be helpful to students in navigating their choices as they consider their senior subject options. Next week they will be embarking on the annual Year 9 City Camp; this is a great way to round off their first semester and we wish them an enjoyable adventure exploring the city environment.
Congratulations to Mr Jonathon Swan who was successful in his application for the Resource Recovery Secondary School Grant Program. This grant has provided funding to go towards the Community Garden project. This exciting undertaking has involved our students from the planning stages right through to the current construction stage with the VET Building and Construction students being particularly active in that space.
Finally, best wishes to the Year 10 students for their Winter Formal. This is a tradition celebrating their imminent entry to senior school and a wonderful lead up to their examinations next week. We acknowledge the great work that the Student Leadership Team has done to organise this event.
Ana Rees

Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week at KHS
The 2024 theme ‘Now More Than Ever’ reminds us that, no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will – and must – continue. To honour this important occasion which helps remind our community and young people of the history of BLAK Australia and the healing that continues to take place, students participated in a short lesson each day that spread the message of equality and compassion for all. We finished the week with a flag raising ceremony at recess on Friday.
On Friday the 24th May, as part of National Reconciliation Week, nine of our young and deadly Koorie students spent the day at the Dreamtime Expo held at the Richmond Football Club hosted by Korin Gamadgi Institute.
The group watched the Richmond footy team train and listened to players talk about the Dreamtime jersey. Daniel Rioli also spoke of the dangers of underage drinking and gave clear messages around how to look after your health. We also heard from Yorta Yorta elder Aunty Pam Pederson who inspired us as an 81 year old to be active and be proud of culture. It was fantastic to spend the day with 200 other young and deadly mob from around Victoria and Tasmania.

From here, we had five families of 26 people from our school community attend the Dreamtime match at the MCG between Essendon and Richmond thanks to our Koorie Engagement Support Officer, Kerri Douglas.
It was a great week of events and an important acknowledgement of National Reconciliation Week.
Celene Black
Raising the flag to mark the end of Reconciliation Week 2024

Oreo Challenge
These pictures landed on the Editor’s desk without any accompanying information apart from the unhelpful words ‘Oreo Challenge’.
The Editor is baffled, so is handing it over to you readers. Your challenge: to invent whatever wild and improbable explanation you like to explain what is going on here.
Post your entries to:
The Editor
Kyneton High School Newsletter
1 Epping St
Kyneton VIC 3450
Neatest and most ludicrous explanation wins an Oreo.

Excellence Awards
Academic Excellence
Year 7
Clementine Nelms
Arkie Simpson-Purdon
Odin Cumming
Year 8
Mason Hardiman
Charli Zanussi
Addison Campbell
Year 9
Isabella Farago Peers
Hamish Martin
Jaz Young
Year 10
Sarah Dillon
Samson Briscomb
Ruby Gaunt
Year 11
Sophie Frankland
Phoebe Bespalov
Amelie White
Year 12
Jessica Levi
Charlotte Hausler
Bella Taylor

Outstanding Attitude & Effort
Year 7
Silki Di Maggio
Jem Burke
Tahli McGregor
Year 8
Harley Thompson
Ajay Ryrie
Mia Jimson
Year 9
Emily Carey
Sophie Wright
Amelia Farmer
Year 10
Billie Jimson
Luna Robert
Tom Gray
Year 11
Oliver Needham
Allegra Vanderkley
Eloise Ricci
VM 11
Michaela Kristian-Kelly
Tara Fitzgerald
Chris Kolanowski
Josh McFadyen-Webster
Year 12
Ben Cantos-Hodge
Mo Hoyne
Mariska Pondeljak
VM 12
Kya Smith
Ashleigh O’Doherty
Serious Science

On Monday 3rd of June, 15 Year 12 chemistry students travelled to Melbourne University to take part in a chemistry course. We took the opportunity to visit Professor Sally Gras’s lab at the Bio21 Institute of Molecular Science and Biotechnology. Students heard from a variety of scientists about their research projects, ranging from looking at innovation in dairy to plants in space. During the afternoon students took part in the organic analysis of chemical compounds course at the Department of Chemistry.
Kris Ford
Meet The New KHS Lectern Banner

The old school lectern has stood forlornly unadorned since the school name reverted to Kyneton High back in 2019 and the old ‘Onwards And Upwards” logo passed into history, along with the original green banner.
This week the lectern is now resplendent in its new banner of official school blue, jaunty green and white K, plus a snowy white fringe.
We reckon the next item in line for a makeover would be the old lectern itself. The feet look like they could do with some polish at least.
Winter Soirée
The KSC Band hard at it practising for the Soirée coming up on
Wednesday 26th of June, 5 p.m. in the School Hall.
See School Notices (below) for more info.

Meanwhile, Over In The Kitchen

Year 7/8 Boys
Our Year 7/8 Boys soccer team recently displayed great skill and determination in their latest matches. The team had an impressive victory against Craigieburn, winning 2-1 with both goals scored by Mason. His first goal came from a penalty, and the second was a fantastic running goal. Luke also made some close attempts, adding to the excitement of the game.

In their second match against Hume Grammar, the boys played with commendable effort but unfortunately lost 0-3. Despite the loss, the team showed resilience and teamwork throughout the game. Well done, boys, for your hard work and sportsmanship!

Special thanks to Rocco and Henry C for assisting the coaches. Your help and dedication are greatly appreciated! Keep up the great effort!
Mr Rickwood
Year 7/8 Girls

A beautiful day down at Epping Sports Centre on the 4th of June set the scene for what would be a great day out for girls in the purple, green and white! 3 games on the agenda and spirits high, the girls were eager to get going. The team was led by Captain Arkie Simpson-Purdon (unfortunately, not the half-sister of Miss Simpson for those boys on the bus…) helped by Gussie Simpson-Purdon (real sister).

The girls started the day strong with a 2-0 win against HGRA with goals from Maddie Fergusson and captain Arkie Simpson-Purdon. The team looked strong with players like Silki Di Maggio standing tall in defence, Genna Morphett providing brilliant balls through the midfield and winger Josie Cannon providing lots of run on the outside. An excellent game with sportsmanship to match.

Game 2 was much tougher, and we were certainly challenged. Elevation came out strong and tested our endurance having no subs on the bench. Again, some star performances from Danieka Walker and Niamh Waterman meant we didn’t make it easy for the opposition, holding them off until the second half when they scored 2 quick goals early. Unfortunately, the time on the clock went down too quickly despite a wonderful goal again from Maddie Fergusson and the girls lost 2-1.
Our final game against Donnybrook started well. We had most of the run of play and even had some look in at goals. The girls were putting every last bit of energy they had into the game and you could see just how much they wanted to win. Due to some injuries and no subs, the girls went down to playing with 9 against 11 and unfortunately the outnumber was too great and Donnybrook were able to capitalise. The girls went down in a close 1-0 loss.
This juniors team was a true reflection of our core values at Kyneton. They worked hard, over came adversity and showed respect to each other and other schools throughout the day. The coaches award for today goes to Josie Cannon, not having played soccer before Josie had a stellar day out on the wing providing our forwards with lots of great balls and excellent pressure in defence. Our most improved award goes to Abby Nesson, she started the day in the back line and struggled to get some touches but once moved up the ground Abby was pivotal in our game plan and proved a quick inside mid. The MVP award can only go to Captain Arkie Simpson-Purdon. Arkie played brilliantly throughout the day in the midfield. She was everywhere and ran her socks off in each game. She passed balls like Kyra Cooney Cross, she tackled like Ellie Carpenter and was even rewarded with a goal scored like Sam Kerr for her efforts today. Off the field Arkie helped teach and led by example making sure new players had a good understanding of what they needed to do.
Congratulations to all the players and award recipients today. You represented Kyneton beautifully!
Ms Simpson

Our Intermediate Boys soccer team attended Harvest Home Rec Reserve in Epping on Tuesday 14th of May. The boys just missed out on the final after winning a game in the lead up. Henry Coleman was our sharp shooter scoring 2 goals for his team. The team tried hard and showed great sportsmanship across the event.
Mr Eddy
Kirsty Murray

On Monday 20th of May, year 9-12 students set off to Craigieburn to compete in the Badminton event. It was a tough day versus other schools that had a lot more experience than us. Our Inter boys and girls and Senior boys and girls teams tried hard across the event.

Unfortunately we weren’t able to walk away with the overall win, but were able to beat a couple of schools across our Inter girls and Senior girls competition. It was a fun and enjoyable day and our students led by example across the event. I am super proud of their efforts.
Mr Eddy

Alice Making A Mark
Alice Bromley receives the June Gladman 2024 junior girls’ football player medal

Click here for the full report over at the Midland Express

On Tuesday the 4th of June our Year 7 & 8 boys represented our school at the annual inter school footy competition, this year at Epping Recreation Reserve. We played 3 games across the day against Wallan, Hume Grammar and Craigieburn High Schools.
First game was tightly fought out. In 2 x 10 min halves, Wallan edged us out by only a few points.
Our second game was a Kyneton High whitewashing of an inexperienced side.
Our third game provided much better competition against Craigieburn, but our boys had hit their straps by then and were well and truly on top of this admirable side.
Both coaches were very proud of the way the boys represented the school. Up against bigger opposition, our boys’ attack on the footy was outstanding.
The MVP, as voted by the players, was Ajay Ryrie who led by example as captain all day and continued to bring his teammates into the game.
Mr Holden and Mr Hill

On Thursday 9th May the Senior AFL team was taken to Epping Recreation Centre to compete against local high schools. The boys played two games against Mt Ridley and Sacred Heart. Matt Milburn was our Captain for the event, supported by Jackson Balcombe as Vice Captain. Both students led by example and encouraged their teammates. Unfortunately we weren’t able to walk away with the win in both of our games. Special mentions to the following students who battled hard all day and were awarded coaches awards for their efforts. Students were Connor McDowell, Bryn Sawyer, Nick Clapham and Cooper Muir. Well done to all our players, we are extremely proud of how the boys represented Kyneton High School!
Mr Eddy

On Tuesday the Intermediate AFL team was taken to Epping Recreation Centre to compete against local high schools. The boys had 3 games scheduled for the day against Sacred Heart (our cross road rivals) Wallan and Mount Ridley. Led by Captain Jack Brooks and Vice Captain Cooper Reed, the boys showed a huge amount of talent and sportsmanship.

The boys played a tough first game going down to Sacred Heart but showed real resilience and came back in game 2 against Wallan to get the win! (convincingly). Mount Ridley had the jump on us early in the 3rd game, the boys fought really hard to get back into it but unfortunately couldn’t make up the difference going down 47-33. Brooks and Reed lead by example all day, taking on the oppo, racking up possessions like Daicos and taking intercept marks and goals aplenty.

Anyone seen the ball?
However, it was Ethan Azzopardi that received the MVP award of the day. He was fearless in contests and provided elite ball movement across the ground and into our forward 50. He worked nonstop for his teammates and his efforts meant he hit the scoreboard himself a couple times! Our coaches award goes to our full back Hamish Whyte. Ham was outstanding in defence with his iron fist – he was our last line of defence on multiple occasions and often, came out the winner. He communicated to and settled those around him and overall was a huge asset to have on game day.
Well done to all our players, we are extremely proud of how the boys represented Kyneton!
Ms Simpson

It was a big day out for our AFLW teams on the 24th May. An increase in numbers meant we were able to field an intermediate and a senior team on the day which is very exciting for the school and the sport in future years.
Our intermediate team was up first with Captain Ruby Walters leading the charge. A young team meant that we were up against the odds most of the day but all the girls showed great determination and sportsmanship in each game. They took on feedback and worked hard for each other showing that we have such potential in the next couple of years. Our MVP award went to young Silki Di Maggio, who’s inexperience in the sport was no issue as she ran, tackled, kicked and led by example through each game.
Up next was our senior team. We looked strong and determined from the outset with Kohlbi and Kisha looking hungry in front of goals and Captain Mia Ferguson leading in the midfield. Grace and Jen took hit after hit in the backline and kept the opposition scores to a minimum. Unfortunately, the girls couldn’t get the W we were looking for, but again each and every player represented the school with pride and we couldn’t be more impressed with the attitudes and commitment shown. Our MVP award went to Hailey Bird. Playing well above her year, Hailey played a pivotal role in our midfield racking up KMs like Errol Gulden and tackles like Harley Reid.
Both Ms Simpson and Mr Eddy are looking forward to the years ahead with these girls. We believe this is a start of a great AFLW campaign at KHS. Well done girls on a fantastic day out, we come back stronger next year!
A big thank you also to our volunteers on the day that ran water and messages and provided some solid entertainment; Kobe Pitts, Harper Shannahan and Jack Denton.
Ms Simpson

Students Look At Themselves
Kyneton Technical High School students expressed themselves through drama and art at their exhibition of ‘Self Portrait’ on Friday night. Students, teachers, family and friends gathered at the Kyneton Arts Centre to view the work of the students.
The exhibition was a culmination of two terms’ work for the art and drama students. The performance and art exhibition was the last scene of the Art in Schools program. Students worked hard throughout the two terms to create drama pieces, of school yard scenes, and painting to express their own feelings, hopes and dreams.

Pictured are art students, Yvette DeLacy and Peta Moloney admiring some of their fellow students’ work.
Drama students were assisted by artists from the Melbourne Arts Centre. The artists, Stuart Robertson and Fay Benrups, conducted workshops in dance, movement and music. Through the work of artist in residence, Rick Amor, students learned easel painting with the aim of producing work based on the idea of self portrait, to be interpreted as widely as possible.
The exhibition was a great success with the arts centre packed to capacity for the viewing of the performance and likewise at the exhibition of paintings. While mingling and looking at student work, fine local wines from Knight’s, Virgin Hills and Flynn and Williams wineries were served.
Kyneton Guardian 11th November 1988
Thanks to Mal Closter

School Notices

Twilight Market 2024

Flexischools Canteen App

View/download detailed information below:
A Message From The Cancer Council

Many parents and teachers are raising their concerns about children and young people vaping, and asking what can be done. At Cancer Council we too are hearing from parents and community members about their concerns. With support from partners across the health and education sectors, we have developed an easy online form to help people find and write to their federal representatives, and express their support for vaping reforms currently going through parliament. You can find the form at the link here. We encourage you to write to your federal representatives to express your concerns about vaping and show your support for the reforms.
If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact our team at actiononvaping@cancer.org.au.

Coming Events
Monday June 17th – Friday June 22nd | Year 7 & 8 swimming |
Monday June 17th | Production rehearsal P5 onwards |
Tuesday June 18th | GAT exam |
Wednesday June 26th | Winter Soirée 5 pm |
Wednesday June 19th – Friday June 21st | Year 9 camp Year 10 exams – Eng, Hums/Sci |
Thursday June 20th | Year 10 exams – Maths, HPE |
Friday June 21st | Year 10 immunisations |
Monday June 24th – Friday June 28th | Year 10 work experience |
Friday June 28th | End of Term 2 2.30 pm finish |

We want you!
We are looking for girls aged 12-17 who might be interested in playing local football in our Youth Girls Team! Lead by Senior Womens player Jordan Savoia, we are passionate about providing a platform for our girls! if you want to come and try it, please let us know.
If you have a daughter or daughters who might be keen, please email Emily at juniorfootball@kynetonfnc.com to register your interest.
Go Tigers!

Macedon Ranges Basketball Association
Winter Domestic Season registration NOW OPEN! All skill levels are welcome.
– Season commencing Sunday 28th April
– 16-week season (including grading and finals)
– Season cost $195 (plus BV, BA and PlayHQ fees)
– Additional inclusions: Player singlet for your child to wear throughout the season and optional training sessions
Registration Link – https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/4d4fb0
For more information head to – www.mrba.org.au or contact Heidi domestic@mrba.org.au

Macedon Ranges Field Naturalists Logo Competition
MRFN is a group based in the Macedon Ranges Shire which aims to share and develop knowledge of the flora, fauna, fungi and geology of our area.
We don’t yet have a logo for our group, and need to rectify that.
So we invite members of your school community to get out your paint brushes, pencils, digital stylus or whatever else you create with and come up with a design.
Submit your design to
Entries close
Friday, September 20th, 2024
The MRFN committee will decide on a shortlist out of which the membership will vote for a winner. The winner will receive a $50.00 book voucher and 5 years free membership of the MRFN. Shortlisted entries will receive a year’s free membership. The winning logo will be used in all future MRFN marketing materials, including the website and event banners.
Some ideas to help you get started:
Iconic species of flora, fauna and fungi in the region (e.g. snow gum, clover glycine, phascogale, wombat, antechinus, sugar glider, powerful owl, deadman’s fingers, mycena interrupta, etc.)
Iconic geographic features (e.g. Mt Macedon, Hanging Rock, etc.)
We look forward to seeing the creative works received as entries for this competition.

Dance Factory

Full & Part Time Courses
Now taking enrolments to commence July 2024, October 2024,
or January 2025.
Accredited courses – CII, CIII, CIV, & Diploma Courses in Dance, Dance Teaching, Musical Theatre
All standards welcome – Beginner to Advanced
Day, Night, & Saturday classes available for Part Time students
CRICOS registered for International students
For more information or to enrol:
Email us – dancefac@netspace.net.au
Call us – 03) 9429 9492
Visit our website http://www.dancefactory.com.au/

More info: www.overthemoonstudio.com