November 11, 2022  |  News

KHS Newsletter : 11 November 2022

KHS NEWS - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

11th November 2022

It’s All Happening In STEAM!

In Year 7 STEAM Cycle 2 with Ms Sharp and Mr Lucky, students were learning about animation. They built pencil mounted thaumatropes, drew short flipbook animations, designed and animated characters and as the final assessment task, planned and created a 10 second stop motion animation focused on a theme of sustainability.
Have a look at the cutest animations you ever saw!

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Meanwhile, over in Year 7 STEAM Cycle 3, students are learning how to create moving toys and machines using cardboard. So far, they have built gear systems using cardboard, glue and skewers and robotic arms using cardboard, string, straws and tape. The final task of the cycle will be for students to build an automata (an old mechanical toy with a crank which moves other parts)

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A huge thank you and congratulations to the KHS sustainability team for their work at the Kyneton Cool Changes workshop. These facilitated workshops aim to gather the skills, knowledge and wisdom held by the community to create a truly unique vision for climate action into the future. From Lenka Thompson (Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group) said “these students are amazing, so good for the council to hear from them directly”. Personally, it was inspiring to be in the room with such passionate young people and hear everyone’s opinions. All students made meaningful contributions and the room was alive with ideas. The team was keen was get back to KHS and make an action plan of what changes could be made to improve our school.
Caroline Sharpe

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A Thank You From The 2022 Year 12 VCAL Class

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On Friday the 7th of October, after months of planning and organisation the KHS Year 12 VCAL Twilight Market day had finally arrived and so had the rain; by the bucketful! Wet weather plans were fine-tuned, stall holders reassured and the final ‘to do’ list attacked. Never had a rain radar been so closely watched by so many but just as the BoM predicted, the skies cleared and a bright and clear afternoon and evening ensued. With the wet weather plan torn up and the final clean of the staff carpark complete, the marquees went up, our thirty stall holders unpacked and our food vendors rolled in. Staff and students appeared seemingly out of nowhere to help, parents delivered baked goods for the cake stall, the BBQ prepared and the music set up in full swing.

By the time the pack up began several hours later, we had raised $6000 and an enormous amount of community spirit, pride and connection. Hundreds of people enjoyed what the market had to offer; local makers and crafters’ wares, delicious food and coffee, the musical talents of KHS students and staff and the chance to win the great prizes up for grabs in our raffle and silent auction. People caught up with friends and relaxed, clearly relishing the opportunity to feel very much a part of the Kyneton and wider Macedon Ranges’ community. We are absolutely thrilled with the success of the market and the appreciative and positive feedback from so many people. We can’t quite believe what we managed to achieve and have quite a number of local businesses and individuals to thank. Please support these businesses; without their generous donations we would not have raised the amount we did.

In addition to the list below, we would like to acknowledge the support we had from KHS teaching and non-teaching staff and would like to propose a ‘three cheers’ for our extraordinary educational support staff Roger Haley, Stephen McDonald, Lucy King, Cheryl Simmonds, Andrew Zollia and our office staff and others who all went above and beyond with their time. Big thanks also to the KHS instrumental music teachers who supported the entertainment. Finally we’d like to extend a very sincere and enormous thank you to Kyneton High School’s Gareth Rowe; without Gareth the Twilight Market simply would not have happened.

We’re so grateful to our wonderful Kyneton and Macedon Ranges businesses, community organisations, KHS families and individuals; their donations and support were pivotal to the success of the 2022 KHS
VCAL Twilight Market

Kate Rantall

Aesop’s Bookstore 
KBoocha (locally made kombucha)
Akari Yoga Studio
Hey Hippie Hemp Products, Malmsbury
Burson’s Kyneton
The Town Roaster 
Hunter Gatherer Vintners
Squishy Minnie 
Kyneton Auto Spares and Repairs
IGA Kyneton
Grasshopper’s Gardening Maintenance
Orbit Tours
Botanik Bar 
Lindsey Brown
Home Creations 3435
Mort & Pestle, Woodend
Terry White Pharmacy 
The Albion Hotel
Kyneton Toyota
Fook Shing 
Darlings Downunder 
Chiropractic Life
Fed Foodstore 
Central Vic Signs 
Birthday Villa Winery 
Monegeeta General Store 
Glenda Anstey-Sprigg 
Kyneton RSL 
ZigZag Wines 
Margaux Claughton
Kyneton Ridge Estate 
Hanging Rock Winery
Mt Towrong Winery
Little Swallow Cafe 
Granite Hills Winery
Body and Soul Solutions 
Animus Distillery
Lynn Walker
Macedon Ranges Hampers 
Rotary Club of Kyneton
Romsey Neighbourhood House 
Lancefield Neighbourhood House
Kyneton Men’s Shed
Midland Express
Grist Artisan Bakers
Mignone Cakes

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Sport Ed

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On Thursday 27th of October students from year 7-10 set off to the State Netball Centre to participate in the Train Like a Vixen program run by the vixens. This program involved a number of skill based activities and games. Students had a great day and learnt a lot.

It was a great experience and opportunity for all students

Report from Jen Girvan (Netball Captain):

Thursday a mix of year levels were developing their own netball skills at the State Netball Centre. We all had a go and participated 110%. One of the many highlights was the year 8 boys against the Year 10 girls. Us girls won 18-17 with the help of Ms. Wallace. It overall was a lovely experience as the coaches improved everyone’s skills, from beginner to experienced.

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Feel the burn!

We were very lucky to have Paul and Michael from Snap fitness in Sunbury attend Kyneton High School last week to assist us with our alternative physical activity unit.

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Paul and Michael brought a wealth of experience and knowledge about health and fitness and showed our students how to work different muscle groups in circuit training.

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We thank them for making the trip to Kyneton to support the PE team and run these sessions. We hope to see them back again soon!
Ryan Eddy

Guerilla Gardening Hits KHS

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Introducing our new chickens, Nugget and Popcorn. Seen here testing their new mobile perch. Thank you to the Patros’ for donating them.
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The Year 9 Horticulture students have been doing a little bit of guerrilla gardening to improve our school environment. The students thought up the idea and put it into action by selecting some unloved garden beds to makeover. The beds were then planted out with succulents previously donated by the community. Great to see students taking pride in their school.

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We are looking forward to running our school stall at The Kyneton Farmers Market on Saturday November 12th 
8:30 am – 1 pm

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We will have: veggie seedlings, herb pots, succulents and some school garden produce to sell.

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School Notices

KHS Yearbook 2022

It’s at the printers!

Copy numbers are locked in; it is too late to order a copy now.
After the books are distributed in early December we may have a VERY SMALL number of leftover copies if you’re lucky and quick! Please call the office on 5421 1100 if you’re interested.

Columns 2022 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Columns 2022 cover -The faces of KHS
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The Kyneton High School Drama Department are looking for donations of clothes, handbags, hats and kitchen utensils for use on our performances. These items should be in reasonable condition for students to be able to use. Students will then be able to use them as costumes and props in our workshops and performances in Drama.  

If you have any of these items that we might be able to use, please bring them to the General Office before the end of the school year.

Thanks in advance!

Mrs Kerry Turpie

Careers And Pathways

Items in this week’s Career News include – 

  • Dates to Diarise in Term 4
  • Final Reminder: VTAC 2023 Upcoming Key Dates  
  • Accessing VCE Results
  • News from ACU
    • Pathways to ACU Webinar 
    • ACU Essential for Parents Webinar
  • ANU Tuckwell Scholarship for 2024
  • 2023 VCE Summer Schools
  • University Terminology

KHS Co-Curricular Activities Schedule

Recess Activities:

Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill / Mr Merret &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill / Mr Oliveri &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill / Mr Eddy &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym 
w/ Mr Hill &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Chess Club in B7
w/ Mr Rickwood / Mr Shepherd
& Yr 11 Chess Club Captain
Jackson Guy-Baker
Year 8 Basketball Training
KSAC Stadium
w/ Mr Eddy / Mr Merrett
Mindful Mondays in Library
w/ Andrea our Nurse
Literature Club in SL3
w/ Ms Nelms
Craft Club in LIbrary
w/ Ms Sharpe
Ms Matthews &
Francesca our Librarian

Lunchtime Activities:

Drama Club in Performing Arts Studio 
w/ Mrs Turpie &
Performing Arts Captain Lana Hughes Yr 11
PC Building Club in B3
w/ Tom
Dungeons and Dragons for Year 7s in B7
w/ D&D Club Captains:
Zoe Patros Yr 12
Liam Gilbert Yr 11
Liam McKee Yr 9
SLT Meeting in LoungeDungeons and Dragons for Year 7s in B7
w/ D&D Club Captains:
Zoe Patros Yr 12 
Liam Gilbert Yr 11
Liam McKee Yr 9
Gaming Club in B8 
w/ Gaming Club Captain
Zoe Patros Yr 12
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 1 in B7
w/ Ms Daws &
Club Captains
Girls Only Gym 
w/ Liz &
Yr 12 House Captain
Elyse Putyra
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 1 in B7
w/ Ms Daws &
Club Captains
Staff Vs. Yr 10 Students Basketball Match in KSAC
w/ Mr Swan &
an All Star line up of other KHS Staff
Magic the Gathering
Card Game in B8 
w/ MAT
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 2 in B8
w/ MAT and Club Captains
!!!Surprise your eyes!!!
Mystery video in the Library
w/ Stephen
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 2 in B8
w/ MAT & 
Club Captains
Magic the Gathering
Card Game in B8 
w/ MAT
Pride Crew (fortnightly) in B3 
w/ Gareth
Table Tennis Club in Hall
 w/ Ms Nguyen
Book Club in Library
w/ Francesca our LIbrarian
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Smoking And Vaping

Information from the Department of Education

Parents, carers, schools, and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects of smoking and vaping.

Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.

The Department of Education and Training has collated resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping, and some suggestions about how to talk to your child about vaping, and where to get support.

This includes a video from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne with tips for parents for starting a conversation with teenagers about vaping.

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Principal Tour FB Post - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Divide line - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
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Coming up…

Some dates for the diary

Tuesday 15th NovemberYear 10 Tomorrow Man & Woman
Uniform fittings 3.30pm – 7pm
Wednesday 16th NovemberUniform fittings 3.30pm – 7pm
Thursday 17th NovemberYear 11 English exam
Friday 18th November Year 11 exams
Valedictory dinner
Monday 21st NovemberYear 11 exams
Tuesday 22nd NovemberYear 11 exams
Wednesday 23rd NovemberYear 11 exams
Thursday 24th NovemberYear 10 & 11 exams
Year 7-9 Student-led conferences
School council
Friday 25 NovemberYear 10 exams
Year 11 brain break day
Year 7-9 Student-led conferences
Blueline - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Community notices - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Music 2 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Jonathon Glonek - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Jonathon Glonek


I’ll be coming through on the 19th and 20th to perform the Paganini 24 Caprices in Kyneton and Heathcote.

If you could kindly lend a hand getting the word out it would be very much appreciated.

We are very strongly committed to providing musical experiences to younger people and would like to promote the following offer to families.

All youngsters under the age of 18 may attend free of charge. We simply ask that adults and parents purchase a ticket for themselves.

Here is the booking link that you might like to share with your communities.

Hope to see you there

All best 


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Kyneton Twilight Festival - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
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Junior Players Wanted 2 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning




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