June 11, 2021  |  News

KHS Newsletter : 11th June 2021

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You will have noticed that your favourite newsletter has now found a home at the new KHS website.

Different address, but the same bright celebration of daily life at Kyneton High School. 

We would like to thank the good people at Skoolbag for hosting our newsletter since the start of this year.

Once again, we’re playing with new toys and learning new skills, so please bear with us while we iron out the clunks.

While you’re here, why not have a look around the new website?

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From Ana - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

As this week comes to a close, we acknowledge that many of our families have been impacted by the severe damage to property that was caused by extreme weather.  Our thoughts are with you and we hope that those families whose power, water and communications are yet to be restored will have these services available to them soon.  I would like to thank our Acting Assistant Principal, Faye Zollia, for her outstanding leadership and support during this time, ensuring that the school was able to operate despite the challenges.  This includes having a number of staff who were unable to get to school due to disrupted road access or managing property damage.   Ms Zollia has commented on the team spirit, resilience and goodwill that was evident from students and staff who were at school on Thursday.  There are so many individual examples, but I would like to share this one with you:  in the early morning Belinda, our cleaning Supervisor, and Michelle, our Food Tech Assistant, took the initiative and worked to identify and contain the hazardous areas caused by tree damage, ensuring the risk was managed until Bret, our Ground and Facilities officer, was able to make his way to school from home through the storm damage,  and take over.

This week also ends with the COVID restrictions easing further.  We have been fortunate that schools in Regional Victoria have been able to operate on-site since during the past week.  Senior students have been focused on catching up with assessment so that we are on-track for moving into the next units of work.  Thanks to our senior teachers and our Year Level Leaders, Ms Plowman and Ms Trembath, for your ongoing encouragement and support of our VCE and VCAL students.  Furthermore, the majority of our year 10 students were able to proceed with their Work Experience placements this week.  We are grateful to all the local businesses who have supported our students by opening up their workplaces.  The benefits for our students are enormous; their opportunity to learn new skills, gain confidence and interact with the community provides enrichment and promotes engagement with their school learning program.

Our Careers and Pathways team have had a very successful week in implementing the Morrisby Careers Profiling Tests and past experience has shown that Year 9 students really value the personalised careers information that they gain from the Morrisby test, which is followed up next term with interviews.  Our Careers and Pathways team develops and manages a program of careers education and advice for students from Years 7 to 12 and is central to the course counselling and subject selection processes which will be conducted next term.

Finally, I would like to wish all our students, families and staff a very safe and enjoyable long weekend.  Many of us have lots of work to do on our properties and are awaiting power, water and internet services to resume.  In so many cases we will be getting help from our neighbours, the SES, CFA volunteers, emergency services, Powercor workers and so on.  Our thanks and gratitude to everyone in our community!

Ana Rees – Principal

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Not Your Typical Thursday

Few of us made it to school yesterday, and those who did found scenes like this:

We all spent the day sheltering from the storm, except the Newsletter Editor who went out taking these photos and got himself soaked.

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9D : On Their Best Beehaviour

Students in year 9 Humanities are currently studying Food Security and Food Production Around the World.
On Friday May 21st students in 9D were able to examine a beehive and the equipment required to keep beehives and produce honey commercially. Students examined the important role that bees play in pollination and food production as well as looking at the day-to-day life of a bee.

Mr Cornell



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Remote Cooking!

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Ms Dalley and the Year 7s managed a near miraculous techno-culinary Masterchef masterstroke – a Chelsea Bun cookery class on Google Meet!

During our recent lockdown, the year 7A Food class continued to cook at home during remote learning. We made Chelsea Buns in a cook along session. It was a lot of fun, but very different to being at school. Students had to ensure that they had all the correct ingredients and equipment to participate in the cook along. The Chelsea Buns were sampled by appreciative family members for morning tea.

Well done to all the students who participated.

Ms Dalley

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YEAR 8 Indigenous Athletes in Sport

As part of our health theory classes all year 8 students have had an introduction into Indigenous Athletes In Sport. They have taken a close look into the lives and successes of athletes that have made an impact on sport in Australia and sometimes internationally such as Cathy Freeman, Anthony Mundine, Adam Goodes and Sam Kerr. Students are now completing a research project on their own personally chosen indigenous athlete.

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One of our students Coop Ale brought the jumper of Corey Oates (NRL State of Origin player) to show us an example of an Indigenous playing jumper. 

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We talked about the design meaning something to the Indigenous community.

Jodie Cox

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Year 10 Alternative Program

As part of the year 10 Alternative Physical Activity program the year 10’s have been participating in croquet down at the Kyneton Croquet Club. The volunteers there have done an amazing job of teaching the students the basics of playing a game. The students have thoroughly enjoyed their time learning about a game they probably wouldn’t have tried otherwise.

Jodie Cox


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What’s On In The Library?

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Short Story Month

May was Short Story Month, and we encouraged students to read stories from our Short Story Collection, with the incentive of a prize!

The winner is Zyth Tipay, who enjoyed the two stories he read, and gave interesting responses on his entry forms.

Lunchtimes in the Library

The Library is open at Recess and Lunchtime for quiet reading, study, games, puzzles, colouring in and other activities. With winter here students are encouraged to keep warm in the Library, but are asked to be respectful of others using the space for study and reading.

Surprise your Eyes!

During Thursday lunchtimes the Library has ‘Surprise your Eyes!, a time to watch something interesting, weird, or just good fun. Bring your lunch and settle in for a ‘surprise’!







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Interschool Dressage

Sarah Sell and pony - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Sarah gives Touch of Class a congratulatory pat.

Sarah Sell and TC (Touch of Class) travelled to the Victorian Equestrian Interschool Qualifying round 3 competition at Boneo on May 23rd.

She came 4th in the Elementary 3B and scored a super 69.55 % for a 2nd in the Elementary 3C.

Well done to Sarah and her lovely pony!

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From the archives

A news report on Kyneton Secondary College’s centenary weekend held in 2012.

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The new uniform was introduced two years ago with a two-year transition. That means that THIS IS THE LAST YEAR that the old school uniform can be worn, and ALL STUDENTS must wear the new school uniform from the start of 2022. Students who have purchased old school uniform items during the first semester will not be able to wear these items in 2022.  The old school uniform will not be on sale after the end of this semester.


This includes the option of wearing a plain black jacket which students were allowed to wear with the old school uniform because the supply of the old spray jacket had become unavailable.  So, from next year, ONLY THE NEW SCHOOL JACKET OR BLAZER is allowed to be worn as outerwear.

Students in years 9 to 11 need to make sure that over the course of the next semester they make plans to phase in the new uniform.  The uniform is available to be ordered online at this link:


or you can visit the Noone Bendigo Store at 21 Queen Street, Bendigo Vic 3550, Monday – Friday 9.00am-5.00pm or Saturday 10.00am – 1.00pm

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Student Attitudes to School Survey 2021

Please click the link below to access the Parent/Guardian Information and Consent Letter from the Victorian Department of Education and Training.

AtoSS 2021_Parent information and consent letter

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Principal Tour FB Post - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

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Pop these dates in your diary - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Monday June 14th Queen’s birthday holiday.  Please don’t come to school.
Monday June 21st Year 10 Immunisations
Thursday June 24th 9/10 Performance

School council

Monday June 28th School holidays.  Please don’t come to school again.
Monday July 12th Term 3 starts.  Please come to school!

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Parenting Ideas blog:

Helping girls to stand tall

by Michael Grose

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Girls handle conflict in one of three ways: like a shark (aggressively), a turtle (passively) or an owl (assertively).

In this article we look at each style, and provide ways to help your daughter develop effective patterns she can use to resolve conflict amicably, respectfully, and effectively so she can stand tall and feel confident in her own skin.

Click to read article

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