August 20, 2021 | News
KHS Newsletter : 20th August 2021
The news of an earlier than expected end to the remote learning period last week for regional schools was a welcome relief, particularly for staff and students in our senior years. We were able to transition back to the on-site learning environment very smoothly. We are extremely proud of the agility that has been demonstrated by our staff in managing the shifts between on-site and remote learning; and also of our students’, whose resilience is greatly enhanced by the support and encouragement of their teachers to continue their learning routines.
At Kyneton High School this semester we are focused on supporting students to build strong pathways for future success. This means a focus on working hard to complete learning tasks, both in class and for homework, and having a clear focus on future career pathways. Parents and carers are our great partners in helping students to build these foundations for success. Our Parent Teacher Interviews, conducted by WebEx yesterday, provided us with a great opportunity to discuss our shared responsibility in supporting our students with their learning and to see how they are progressing. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you were unable to schedule an appointment and would like to make contact with a teacher.
In spite of the impact that restrictions have had on events such as inter-school sport, we are grateful that we are able to offer, with strong staff support, such a wide range of co-curricular activities for students to be involved in during lunchtimes. These include the Boxing Club and Gym Shed, Dungeons and Dragons, Marimba Workshops, Pride Crew, House Captains’ Lunchtime Games, Badminton Club, and Year 9 Students Vs Staff Basketball. These activities have such a positive impact on students’ health and well-being and we are grateful to have such a committed staff to enable such an extensive program to happen.
A big thank you to the Science Team for their organisation of events for National Science Week, ranging from the catapult competition to the celebration on Friday of the contribution made by scientists and engineers to our community. It is excellent to see students participating in these events with such enthusiasm.
Ana Rees – Principal
On Wednesday 18th August Year 7 students were involved in the marshmallow catapult competition. Over several lessons, students developed a range of designs and the best two or three catapults of each class were then chosen for the year level competition.
Connor Irving 7C created a catapult that achieved a distance of 7.35m earning first place and hot chips for his class. Well done, Connor!
Keely McColley and Chelsea Jensen 7M made a catapult that launched a marshmallow 4.65m and earned second place. Nice effort, Keely and Chelsea!
Lennox O’Bree and Aaron Canning 7H worked on a catapult that forced the marshmallow to travel 4.27m and gained third place. Good effort, Lennox and Aaron!
Well done also to the finalists – Oliver S, Hamish, Lachlan, Aiden, Cody and Cooper, Wei, Samson and Will.
Thanks for being involved in Science week!
Ms Bradford
Video – Sweet Sugary Goodness… FOR SCIENCE!
Meanwhile, over in the kitchens…
The 9/10 Creative Cooking class recently completed a Muffin Design Brief.
Students had to come up with their own creative recipe and compile an accurate shopping list.
They had to list the constraints and considerations and complete a recipe evaluation after the muffins were baked and sampled.
We had a wonderful assortment of flavours including orange, banana, raspberry, apple pie, chocolate, Nutella, peanut butter and egg and bacon.
What a creative crew!
In Junior Food class 8M made Mexican chicken tacos.
Students were required to work safely using the stove tops to cook the chicken and use safe knife skills to prepare the salad toppings.
The students had a lot of fun preparing and eating a delicious taco lunch.
Miss Dalley

Two muffins were baking in the oven.
One turned to the other and said “Wow, it’s getting hot in here.”
The other muffin said, “Arghhh! A talking muffin!”
We’ve been producing an original true crime podcast in Senior VCAL Literacy.
Students have chosen the topic, planned individual segments, conducted research and written scripts.
The process culminated in a very professional recording session!
Mr Martin
![]() Recording the podcast 1 |
Listen to a 90 second teaser for “The Ghost Train Fire”:
![]() Recording the podcast 2 |
VET Building & Construction
Scaffolding Practical Assessment
School Notices
Victoria is transforming the delivery of senior secondary education with the introduction of a single senior secondary certificate that will offer greater access to quality vocational and applied learning pathways for all students. The senior secondary education reforms aim to provide access to education and training that is relevant, engaging and that delivers in-demand skills for the future world of work, ensuring that students can access education that leads to employment.
Next year students will still be able to enrol in either the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The following year, in 2023, VCAL students will be enrolled in the new VCE Vocational Specialisation or the new foundation pathways certificate which will be introduced to replace Foundation VCAL. The VCE Vocational Specialisation will be recognised internationally, be valued by employers and will build on the strengths of VCAL including providing:
- flexible timetables that allow students to study at school, TAFE and work
- opportunities to experience real-life workplaces
- subjects that will build students skills and prepare them for life after school
- greater access to high quality VET learning, either in school, a neighboring school or a local TAFE
Annette Brown | Pathways / Senior Years Administration
New Alumni Program at Kyneton High School
Kyneton High School has implemented an exciting new alumni initiative, which sees former students (alumni) connecting and engaging with current students to talk about their post-school education journey and career path, acting as inspirational and relatable role models for current students.
With a growing network of alumni working across diverse industry sectors, former students help to showcase what can be achieved after school by shining a light on different pathways, whilst sharing relevant industry knowledge, advice and practical experience.
This shared knowledge helps to enrich students with ideas, options and opportunities for the next stage of their education or career journey, in preparation for life after school.
Engaging a strong alumni network benefits students and the entire school community, by broadening horizons and helping to build strong industry connections.
Kyneton High School would love to hear from former students who would like to be involved in this rewarding initiative. We’re reaching out to alumni from all industry sectors to get in touch – from people working with a trade, to engineers, architects, roles within the arts industry, allied health professionals, the sports and health sector, to hospitality, social work and IT professionals etc.
Please contact Lucy King at for more information.
The alumni program is run in conjunction with Ourschool, a not-for-profit service helping Victorian public high schools build thriving alumni networks.
To learn more about Ourschool, go to
The new uniform was introduced two years ago with a two-year transition. That means that THIS IS THE LAST YEAR that the old school uniform can be worn, and ALL STUDENTS must wear the new school uniform from the start of 2022. Students who have purchased old school uniform items during the first semester will not be able to wear these items in 2022. The old school uniform will not be on sale after the end of this semester.
This includes the option of wearing a plain black jacket which students were allowed to wear with the old school uniform because the supply of the old spray jacket had become unavailable. So, from next year, ONLY THE NEW SCHOOL JACKET OR BLAZER is allowed to be worn as outerwear.
Students in years 9 to 11 need to make sure that over the course of the next semester they make plans to phase in the new uniform. The uniform is available to be ordered online at this link:
or you can visit the Noone Bendigo Store at 21 Queen Street, Bendigo Vic 3550, Monday – Friday 9.00am-5.00pm or Saturday 10.00am – 1.00pm
What’s On In The Library?
Audio Book Fans!
The Library is building a list of free audio books anyone can access.
The link below takes you to the KHS Library catalogue, and you can follow links to listen / download from there.
Francesca-curated list of audio books
We’re adding to the list frequently, so check back soon!
Writing Competitions
Your chance for literary fame and glory
Lane Cove Literary Awards 2021
This award is for writers over the age of 16, and offers three prizes – the Short Story Prize, the Memoir Prize, and the Poetry Prize. Entry fee is $15, and entries close on Thursday 19 August , 2021. More details can be found at
2021 Hilarie Lindsay Young Writers
This is a short story competition for school children, divided into age groups, and with word limits up 2500 words. More details can be found on the website
Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards
The Dorothea Mackellar Award is Australia’s largest and oldest poetry competition for school children. The closing date is 30th June. Find out more details on the website
The Hachette Australia Prize for Young Writers
This competition is open for secondary school children across Australia, and entries can be fiction, non-fiction, or poetry. Entries close 12th August, 2021. Find out more on the website
From the archives
The first house swimming sports of the Kyneton High School were held at the weir pool on Monday, when Campaspe (Blue) House won the swimming cup from Lauriston (Gold) House. Baynton (Red) House was third, and Coliban (Purple) House fourth.
Aggregate points were: Campaspe, 147½; Lauriston, 137; Baynton, 90; Coliban, 61½.
The weather was not ideal for swimming, but competitors and spectators appeared to thoroughly enjoy the afternoon.
Kyneton Guardian 7th March 1957 (via Mal Closter)

And while we’re talking historical Kyneton, just look at THIS!
Freshly published by the Kyneton Historical Society, KYNETON FROM PAST TO PRESENT is a big, fascinating and copiously illustrated history of Kyneton and district by Ken McKimmie and Larina Strauch. Six years in production, it is now for sale from Aesop’s Attic ($55.00) and from the Historical Society itself.
Wednesday August 25th & Thursday August 26th | Pre-Driver’s Ed Camp (some Year 10s) |
Thursday August 26th | School Council |
Monday August 30th | Student-free Day |
Wednesday September 8th to Friday September 10th | Year 8 Camp
Ski Camp |
Parenting Ideas
Know what makes boys tick
by Michael Grose
Boys can be a mystery, especially for mothers brought up in all-girl households. Research shows that parents are frequently challenged by three main issues when parenting boys – their poor behaviour, lack of confidence and poor learning outcomes.
We believe that some of this frustration comes from lack of developmental understanding of boys’ physiology and psychology. The more parents understand what makes boys tick, the better placed we are to assist them and the less frustrated we feel.
Click here to read the article
Tertiary Open Days / Virtual Open Days 2021
Most institutional Open Days are held in late July and August (see the PDF link at the end of this item for Open Day dates). However, you
are more than welcome to contact an institution to arrange a visit any time.
What happens on an Open Day?
On Open Day you can visit an institution when it’s at its best. Everyone is there – academics, lecturers, current
students, and information officers. More importantly, you can talk with academics, lecturers, and current students
about what certain courses are actually like, and what is required to get into them.
Who should attend an Open Day?
Anyone who is considering studying at a tertiary level in the next few years should attend.
Why should you attend an Open Day?
Apart from the opportunity to obtain course information there are many other reasons why attending an Open Day
is a good idea:
• You are going to feel more comfortable arriving at a university or TAFE institute on the first day of classes if you
have been there before.
• What is really involved in the course or courses you are interested in?
• If you have to move away from home, where are you going to live?
• Will you be happier studying in a large metropolitan institution or a smaller, perhaps rural institution?
• What does the place ‘feel’ like? Is it a bustling environment with lots of activity or a quieter, more relaxed
campus set in landscaped grounds?
• How are you going to get there? Is it close to public transport or should you start saving now for a car?
If you don’t know the answers to any of these questions, then you should attend an Open Day!
VIRTUAL OPEN DAYS 2021 (PDF document)
Compass Career News
Items in the this week’s Career News include:
- Dates to Diarise in Term 3
- New Business Degrees at RMIT University
- What is a Barrister?
- Key Dates for Tertiary Applications for 2022 Entry
- Nexus Program at La Trobe University
- What is VET in the VCE?
- CASPer Entry Requirements for Teacher Qualifications
- Upcoming Inside Monash Seminar Series
- APS Study Pathways to a Registered Psychologist
- Biomedicine/Biomedical Science Degrees in Victoria in 2021
- Electrical Engineering Degrees in Victoria in 2021
- Snapshot of Kangan Institute in 2021
Follow this link to view the document (PDF file):
Compass Career News : 30 July 2021
Making Tracks
Music in the Sticks is looking for young musicians and bands to be part of an exciting recording project called Making Tracks.
Successful applicants will receive: professionally recorded songs, filmed video clips, opportunities to perform a set to an audience as well as industry-based feedback.
To apply, email or call 0400 144 476 for more information.
Applications close midnight September 5.