August 26, 2022  |  News

KHS Newsletter : 26 August 2022

KHS NEWS - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

26th August 2022

Students at KHS have so many exciting opportunities

to support their learning and wellbeing, both inside and outside the classroom.  Recently this has included Year 11 Teen Mental Health First Aid and Fit2 Drive, Year 10 Pre-driver Ed Camps, and Year 8 Sports.  Our Athletics team last week enjoyed great success – well done to everyone!

Students also participated in a range of fun events for Science week last week, the Year 8 students went on a Geology excursion on Friday, Studio Arts students went up to Bendigo Gallery for their SAC excursion, and next week we have the Year 10 Battle For Australia Excursion and the Writer’s Festival excursion. The Year 9 Home Group students have hosted guest speakers on Homelessness twice recently.

Planning is well underway for the KHS Year 12 VCAL Twilight Market to be held at school on Friday October 7th from 5pm-8pm. This will be fun evening of fundraising for future student projects that improve the school and our VCAL students are doing an amazing job in connecting with the local community to plan for a successful event. 

Please save the date and come along on Friday 7th October. Contact VCAL teacher Kate Rantall with questions or if you would like to donate to a stall. or phone the school on 5421 1100.

Ana Rees – Principal

From Ana - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Year 12 VCAL Twilight Market

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Twilight balloon - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
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Bluegreen - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Wear It Purple

‘Wear it Purple Day“is a day that strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for LGBTQI+ young people. KHS is celebrating Wear it Purple Day by everyone wearing purple items (hats, scarves, gloves, make-up, etc.). During recess the KHS Pride Crew did a mass purple hair spraying for the adventurous. PLUS, KHS Hands on Learning participants put on a free sausage sizzle.
Gareth Rowe
Exuberant Cadbury-hued photographs by Lilly Cusack

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Year 7 STEAM

The task was for students in 2 lessons to design, plan and build a treehouse using just cardboard, paper and a glue stick. Constraints included the treehouse needing to fit 2 Lego people, be freestanding and 10cm off the ground, have a roof and have 1 method to enter and a different way to exit. This is the final assessment task for Cycle 1 where we have been learning about creative thinking, reasoning and justifying, communication and teamwork (all with a focus on building solutions to problems).

Mr Perera

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Year 7 Shark Tank

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The 7A students have been working on ‘Shark Tank’ for this cycle. We had to come up with a product that we could sell to investors to make life easier! Once we made our product, we made a PowerPoint about our product and then had to sell it to the class. They choose the best product to buy!
Phoebe Campbell

In Humanities we have just finished a unit on shark tank, where we came up with a product idea and presented it to the class. We had to include slogans and logos. We learnt how to successfully run a business. The class had to vote on whose business idea was the best and who they would like to invest in. The class acted as the sharks like in shark tank. The class came up with diverse business idea, such as The candle costume, Orca bracelet, Ding feeder, chewy bin and Money Honey maker app. It was really fun.
Xanthe Tardif

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Year 9 English

Thanks to 9D, Room 9 is now under the watchful eyes of eight life-sized heroes and villains from The Ruby in the Smoke – enter at your own risk!

Ms Price

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Year 9 Basketball

On Friday 19th August the basketball unit in year 9 basketball concluded with a tournament between teams of students from 9B and 9C. Six teams battled it out in a round robin style competition with the winners from each side of draw playing in a final. Many thanks to year 11 PE student Mitchell Boyer for coming along to umpire and provide basketball advice. 

This picture shows the finalists; blue team from 9C and the orange team from 9B.

It was fantastic to see the teamwork and cooperation improve in teams over the unit.

Ms Strickland and Ms Cox

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Year 9 Homelessness Incursion

A culminating event took place this week with Year 9 students consolidating their learning of issues surrounding homelessness.

After connecting with staff from Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health at the pop-up soup kitchen earlier this month, the staff offered to come and talk to all Year 9 students about their work.

Kate and Damien are based at the Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health offices near the Kyneton Hospital and work full time supporting local people to access crisis and short-term housing, and by providing assistance tailored to the individual’s and family’s needs through case management.

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Year 9 with Kate and Damien

Students reported that the session supported their learning around homelessness, and most students indicated that they are experiencing more empathy towards people who are homeless. The Year 9’s reflected on how they could change their actions to support people who are experiencing homelessness, and to act in ways to reduce financial pressures within their own families.

The Year 9 homegroup teachers have enjoyed teaching this unit, particularly seeing the growth in student engagement and empathy, as well as learning about homelessness themselves.

Jane Strickland and the Year 9 Homegroup teachers

Fit2Drive Program

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On Wednesday 25th August the Year 11 Students and Year 12 VCAL students were involved in the Fit2Drive Program. Students were given the opportunity to examine their own level of risk-taking and empower them to make safer decisions about what they can do to reduce road crashes.

This is such an important program for our young people to learn how to assert themselves in high risk situations.

We also wish to acknowledge and give a HUGE thank the Kyneton Rotary Club who provided sponsorship of $1500 for this program to run at Kyneton High School.  It is so greatly appreciated and meant that all students could be involved in this important program at no cost to families.

Annette Brown

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Photography: Callum Bloomer

Out Of School Excellence

Our Women’s Soccer Champions

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Recently three of our female students have been part of the team winning the League Cup in The Kyneton Rangers Women’s Soccer team!

Monica O’Toole of Year 11 plays as striker and on the wing, Ava Coleman of Year 10 plays in defence and Bronte Randle of Year 9 who also plays as a striker all played in the winning game against Tatura.

Ava reported: “It was a hard day and we ran our legs off but it was so worth it to finish at the top of the table!”

Monica said “It has been Bronte’s first year in the women’s team playing a few games as she usually plays in the U16 team, however she has really stepped up for a junior player who has been holding her own in the senior team.”

Well done to the girls on striving to be their best and achieving such fabulous rewards for their efforts!

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Diesel Powers On

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Last Sunday 21/08 Diesel Featonby competed in the latest Ravenswood Round of Motocross.

Diesel competed in two back-to-back races. The first race in the Junior category he came 4th riding his KX250F. In the second race in the Expert category against all ages he came 5th riding the same bike. As these were back-to-back he didn’t get much time to settle down and ready himself, so at the end of the first race he rode straight into the second! He reported that the races were really good; his fitness was up to scratch and his preparation planning with the bike proved to work well. Unfortunately he had to forfeit the last race due to brake malfunctions however the weekend’s results has given him great confidence going forward.

Mr Hill

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We Would Really Hate You To Miss…

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Food And Hospitality

Our Food and Hospitality class have been going to hospitality venues in our community, including the Bowling Club and Social Foundry to have a look at how they run and operate the business through covid and tell us about the pros and cons of hospitality during these hard times.
Darby Harrison

At the Social Foundry it was a very welcoming environment, and the staff were wonderful. They shed light on the business, how they got to the place they are at now, and how it all came together. 
Ashleigh O’Doherty                 

Jack High is a bistro located above the Kyneton Bowling Club; this venue had a lovely open plan space with easy access to the kitchen. The Jack High had a wonderful ambience and an outdoor balcony. The venue manager of the Bowling Club, Leeanne showed us around and how they operate, the ins and outs of the business, and how you make such a large space come together to provide an amazing hospitality service.
Darby Harrison        

So a big thank you to Leeanne from the Kyneton Bowling club and Su Lee from Social Foundry for having us.

Ms Dalley

Indigenous Games

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Year 8s and 10s have been focusing on Indigenous Games in PE during the last curriculum cycle.
The students looked at the different games and, as a group, picked games they’d like to try.
Everyone had fun picking and participating. We found some games are quite similar to our traditional sports but with a different spin.

Ms Cox

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Student Voice Workshop

Old Kyneton Primary School Redevelopment

Last Friday 19/08 over 30 students from years 7-10 participated in a workshop about the redevelopment of the old Kyneton Primary School site.

Thom McKenzie from architects Winwood McKenzie and Ross Turnbull from Working Heritage took the students through the designs and potential plans for the Old KPS site. Both groups have been wanting to seek the voice of youth on the proposals for the site as this was something that had been missing up to this point. Whilst other schools were slow with the uptake on this opportunity, students at our school jumped at the chance to provide their voice on something that has meant a great deal to them in the past and is something they hope could cater to them in the near future.

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Students were highly engaged in the workshop. During the workshop they took a visit to the site both inside and outside the buildings. This proved to be very inspiring for the students who were able to provide their ideas to Thom and Ross to take on board amongst other feedback they have received.

They thought the students were one of the most exciting groups they’ve had, who supported many ideas already received about the site but also gave more innovative suggestions and ideas that would help engage youth more at the site in future years.

Mr Hill

Kyneton High students’ feedback from the workshop

Music studioKeep basketball courtLots of tables and chairs
Rage roomMore sheltered areasFood tasting festivals – every so often
Rooms inside building for young peopleOutdoor poolPink cafe – creative and unique space, not basic
Arcade room x 2Performance space e.g. outdoor stage for local bandsLibrary should be a VR (virtual reality) that tells the history of the school
Ten pin bowlingStudy or reading / writing spaces outsideEquipment for people doing distance education; TAFE or Uni study
Art galleryWater features (playground style)24/7 accessible open space that’s heated and lit up
CinemaSwings!Escape room
Lounge areas to chillCommunity veggie gardenHaunted house
Brainstorming / learning spacesTree houseMake sure to keep the old school colours
Working from home offices to hireFlying foxMake it colourful and bright
Rentable studio spaces for band rehearsalIndoor / outdoor theatreEverywhere you go there should be a piece of history around you
Youth centre / open space areaRe-imagined play spaceSolar panels should be everywhere to save money and be better for the environment
Library for mums & kidsFirst Nations gardenKeep existing building
Upstairs – youthKeep heritage forecourtNo market, but keep food trucks (smaller businesses)
Downstairs / breakout roomsResurfacing of basketball courtsNo breakout spaces
TuroringSimple playgroundsNo parking and storage (except for food trucks)
Public kitchen (cooking classes)Keep Mr. Mac memorialAfter school care
Homeless shelter / general shelter (like if there are fires)Shade sailsWorkshops / different activities
Counsellors / suicide / mental health / eating disorders groups. Disability (I know we’ve got Windarring / support groups)
Entertainment space
Don’t get rid of tree with names
What about the uneven ground?


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Written up by Lily Richmond

Note: Gareth has this recipe memorised and so the VCAL class had to follow his instructions and then actually write the recipe in a way that others could follow.

We hope you enjoy making these dumplings too!

We’ve turned the recipe into handy PDF file you can save or read below.

Gareth, Kate and the year 12 VCAL class made dumplings recently. We had a great time making dumplings and an even better time eating them!

We all had fun while listening to Gareth and watching him show us how to make them before we followed his instructions. He showed us how to make the pork and vegetable filling and how to make the dumpling case from scratch with flour and water. He also showed us how to roll the cases, fill them with the pork mixture and pinch them together properly. Then we learned how to cook and season them.

At the end of the cooking lesson we all sat down to eat together. It was a terrific experience learning Gareth’s recipe and knowing we can work together as a team to make a meal.

Rhyse Sutherland VCAL

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Oh, And Did We Mention…

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Library News

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Book Week

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Francesca and the Craft Group’s rockin’ Book Week display
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Book art!

This week has been the annual Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week, celebrating books and Australian children’s authors and illustrators. A shortlist of six novels in each of the Older Readers and Younger Readers categories was announced and a winner from each was chosen. This year’s winners are Tiger Daughter by Rebecca Lim and A Glasshouse of Stars by Shirley Marr, both of which are in our Library.

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A glasshouse of stars - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

The theme this year is Dreaming with Eyes Open…, and we had the Craft Group contribute to our display by decorating gum leaves. Activities have included making a mini folded book for your ‘dreams’, a ‘Match the Teacher to the Shelfie’ competition, and a competition to decipher the shortlisted titles from the picture clues.


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Craft group met on Wednesday and had fun making feathers and 3D hearts from old book pages. Although we didn’t really like taking apart books, we agreed that it was better to reuse than to throw away unwanted books!

Donation To Our School Library

Lisa Chesters visited the School on Tuesday and spent time with some of our Book Review Team members and other enthusiastic student readers.
She has again kindly donated funds to buy books for our shelves, and the students had fun creating a wishlist of titles to purchase.

with photos by Callum Bloomer

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Lisa Chesters in the Library
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Lisa Chesters with the Book Review Team and Student Leadership

!!!Surprise Your Ears!!!

Also in the LIbrary this week we celebrated one of the stranger “International Days” – Yes, the 24th of August is International Strange Music Day, a day promoting the idea that it’s good to hear music you would not normally listen to. The !!!Surprise Your Eyes!!! audience this week got an additional surprise for their ears with a lunchtime showcase of various strange musical pieces, including music for a theremin and glass harp; six drummers raiding an apartment and turning it into a fabulously funny percussion concert; music made by a hand-cranked wooden machine and 2000 marbles; some traditional Mongolian “throat singing” and a modern version of that; and some of the wild and hypnotic soundtrack to the film Koyaanisqatsi.

Feeling brave?

Like to give your ears a surprise???

Check out the video!

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Bluegreen - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Victorian State Schools Spectacular

For this year’s Victorian State Schools Spectacular, Kyneton High School has two students participating – Lana Hughes from Year 11, Speciality Act of Tap and Darby Harrison from Year 10, a part of the stage management crew.

Lana will be performing in seven dances including Eleanor Rigby, Pumpin Blood and a featured solo in You Can’t Stop the Beat. The Tap Dancer was set to perform in last year’s Spectacular but it was cancelled to the pandemic.

The 2022 Victorian State School Spectacular will held at John Cain Arena on the 10th of September and will be broadcast on Channel 7 later in the year.

Lana Hughes

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Lana in flight
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It was a treat to have Alumna Gabrielle McKenzie from the class of ’17, visit the Year 11 Health and Human Development class to talk about her double degree in Nursing and Midwifery at Bendigo La Trobe, and her experiences as a first-year graduate working at Bendigo Health Hospital as a midwife in the Special Care Unit.

Gabrielle helped the students with their lesson on pregnancy and pre-natal development, passing on practical advice and knowledge from her current experience working as a midwife, whilst answering student questions about pregnancy, labour, birth and her time at university. 

The students asked lots of interesting questions about caesarean sections, bonding with the baby after birth, when is the sex of the baby determined (including an interesting question around boxer shorts versus underpants and if this impacts on the sex of the baby!) and common problems with pregnancy.

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Gabbie, Principal Ana Rees and Teacher Jane Strickland
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Gabbie with Assistant Principal Faye Zollia
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It was lovely getting student feedback, and who knows if a spark has been ignited for any future midwife careers. 

“I enjoyed learning about Gabbies experiences more than I thought I would.  Having her answer our questions and responding to them with detailed answers was great”

“I enjoyed learning about what she did during school, and how she wasn’t sure what she was going to study until the end of Year 12”

Teacher Jane Strickland said:

“Gabbie was an absolute pleasure and delivered fantastic engaging information. The students found the session incredibly interesting and valuable.”

Gabbie, a huge THANK YOU for generously donating your time to visit your old school and talk so openly to students.  I hope you enjoyed catching up with some of your old teachers, as much as they enjoyed seeing you back on campus.

Lucy King – Alumni Coordinator

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You can follow these stories and more about the alumni program on the alumni Facebook page:

The alumni program is run in conjunction with Ourschool, a not-for-profit service helping Victorian public high schools build thriving alumni networks.

To learn more about Ourschool, go to

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In Case You Missed It Earlier

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Twilight balloon - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Keep this date free - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Careers And Pathways

A reminder for our Year 12 students and families that timely VTAC applications for current Year 12 students opened on the 1st of August and will close on the 29th of September. The Special Entry and Access scheme (SEAS) will also open on the 1st of August and close on the 7th of October. All students considering Uni entry should do a SEAS application for at least category one and possibly others. More info on the VTAC website including the SEAS and scholarship page: 

Ms Trembath

  • Dates to Diarise in Term 3:
  • News from the University of Melbourne
    • Bachelor of Arts at Melbourne
    • Bachelor of Commerce at Melbourne
  • Snapshot of CQU – Melbourne Campus in 2022
  • News from Monash University
    • Discover Monash Seminar Series
    • Campus Tours – September Holidays
    • Monash Information Evenings
    • Monash Art, Design & Architecture Experience Days – September Holidays
  • Film & Television Courses in Victoria 2022
  • Media, Communication & Journalism Degrees in Victoria in 2022 
  • Snapshot of LCI Melbourne in 2022
  • Snapshot of Whitehouse Institute of Design in 2022 
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KHS Co-Curricular Activities Schedule

Recess Activities:

Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill / Mr Merret &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill / Mr Oliveri &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym
w/ Mr Hill / Mr Eddy &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Boxing Club and Gym 
w/ Mr Hill &
Boxing Club Captains:
Yr 12 Tyreese Simons
Yr 11 Angus Spear
& Gym Captains:
Yr 11 Luke Masko
Yr 10 Cameron Egan
Chess Club in B7
w/ Mr Rickwood / Mr Shepherd
& Yr 11 Chess Club Captain
Jackson Guy-Baker
Year 8 Basketball Training
KSAC Stadium
w/ Mr Eddy / Mr Merrett
Mindful Mondays in Library
w/ Andrea our Nurse
Literature Club in SL3
w/ Ms Nelms
Craft Club in LIbrary
w/ Ms Sharpe
Ms Matthews &
Francesca our Librarian

Lunchtime Activities:

Drama Club in Performing Arts Studio 
w/ Mrs Turpie &
Performing Arts Captain Lana Hughes Yr 11
PC Building Club in B3
w/ Tom
Dungeons and Dragons for Year 7s in B7
w/ D&D Club Captains:
Zoe Patros Yr 12
Liam Gilbert Yr 11
Liam McKee Yr 9
SLT Meeting in LoungeDungeons and Dragons for Year 7s in B7
w/ D&D Club Captains:
Zoe Patros Yr 12 
Liam Gilbert Yr 11
Liam McKee Yr 9
Gaming Club in B8 
w/ Gaming Club Captain
Zoe Patros Yr 12
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 1 in B7
w/ Ms Daws &
Club Captains
Girls Only Gym 
w/ Liz &
Yr 12 House Captain
Elyse Putyra
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 1 in B7
w/ Ms Daws &
Club Captains
Staff Vs. Yr 10 Students Basketball Match in KSAC
w/ Mr Swan &
an All Star line up of other KHS Staff
Magic the Gathering
Card Game in B8 
w/ MAT
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 2 in B8
w/ MAT and Club Captains
!!!Surprise your eyes!!!
Mystery video in the Library
w/ Stephen
Dungeons and Dragons
Main Group 2 in B8
w/ MAT & 
Club Captains
Magic the Gathering
Card Game in B8 
w/ MAT
Pride Crew (fortnightly) in B3 
w/ Gareth
Table Tennis Club in Hall
 w/ Ms Nguyen
Book Club in Library
w/ Francesca our LIbrarian
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At this point it’s not possible to pretend that
you didn’t know about the Twilight Market.

So you’ve got NO EXCUSE!

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For sale - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Uniform – Very good to excellent condition

Academic Short Sleeved Shirts: $20 each

1 sized 30

1 sized 40

1 sized 42

Sport Polo Top: 1 sized XL $25 (near new)

Tailored Pants:

2 sized 107 $30 each

Tailored Shorts:

2 sized 107 $25 each

Sport Shorts:

2 sized Large $25 each

Please contact the KHS Office.

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2022 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey


Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school. The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. We encourage all families to participate in this survey. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

A random sample of approximately 30 per cent of parents/caregivers/guardians have been selected to participate in this year’s survey.

The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be conducted from Wednesday 24th August to Friday 16th September.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. The survey results will be communicated to parents/caregivers/guardians through our school’s annual report.

Please contact the Principal if you would like more information.

Smoking And Vaping

Information from the Department of Education

Parents, carers, schools, and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects of smoking and vaping.

Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.

The Department of Education and Training has collated resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping, and some suggestions about how to talk to your child about vaping, and where to get support.

This includes a video from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne with tips for parents for starting a conversation with teenagers about vaping.

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Two Character Play Performance - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Period Pride - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Graphic: Kelley Twomey, 7D

KHS Yearbook 2022

We would hate to alarm you…

…but if you ticked “YES” to your family receiving the KHS Yearbook this year and haven’t paid yet, we’re at the stage of finalising copy numbers for the printers. Please don’t miss out! Front up to the School Office with your $25 if you haven’t already – time is running out fast.

2022 will be the 99th year of the KHS Yearbook.
Don’t miss out on your piece of KHS history!

Cost of the 2022 Yearbook: $25

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It’s all about the columns…

Please have a look at our short video promo for Columns 2022. It’s a dazzling dive though the pages of KHS history, and we hope you’ll agree your family won’t want to miss out on your glossy souvenir of the year at KHS.

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Coming up…

Some dates for the diary

Monday 29th AugustYear 10 Predriver Ed camp 2
Tuesday 30th AugustYear 10 Predriver Ed camp 2
Year 10 Predriver Ed camp 3
Wednesday 31st AugustYear 10 Predriver Ed camp 3
Year 10 Predriver Ed camp 4
NMR athletics carnival
Thursday 1st SeptemberYear 10 Predriver Ed camp 4
Year 11 YMHFA session 2
Monday 5th SeptemberYear 11 & 12 VCE Classical Studies incursion
Tuesday 6th SeptemberR U OK event
Wednesday 7th SeptemberYear 10 Battle for Australia excursion
GAT – all Unit 3/4 students & Snr VCAL
Session A: 9.30 – 11.45 am
Session B: 1.15 – 3.00 pm
Thursday 8th SeptemberYear 11 YMHFA session 3
Year 10 girls – Tomorrow woman
Friday 9th SeptemberPupil-free day
Writer’s Festival excursion
Wednesday 15th SeptemberYear 8 Live4Life presentation
Thursday 16th SeptemberParent opinion survey closes
End of Term – 2.30 pm finish
Monday 26th September to
Friday 30th September
Year 12 practise exams
Blueline - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Community notices - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
KCH Digital Storytelling poster res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
KCC All Girls colour res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
KCC Boys colour res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
MCC EOI A5 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
KBA tryouts flyer Jul 22 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Registration Day 2022 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Woodend YS Term 3 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Kid x Promo Poster 1 2022 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Environment Facebook - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Gender Equality Kid x Promo 2022 Facebook Post - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Kid x Plus is a free youth leadership project delivered by Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health in partnership with Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation and with support from Hume City Council’s Community Grants program and Sunbury Downs College.

Kid x Plus hosts an annual youth-lead event, where young people (9-25 years of age) are provided a platform to speak out about the issues that matter to them.

Further information about Kid x Plus can be found at:

Kid x 2022 FB LGBTIQA - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
First Peoples Kid x 2022 FB - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
State of the world Facebook - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
WayOut Planet GAGA Flyer generic March2022 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
YMHFA Aug Sept 2022 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
NCBB Stage Band Advertisment Flyer res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
updated SPAN Crisis poster res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Study Club 2022 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Study Club is an initiative by Squishy Minnie Bookstore, Kyneton Community House,
and the Victorian Government. It is open to all high school age students from the
Macedon Ranges.

It is held at Squishy Minnie on Thursdays from 3:45pm to 6pm during term times.
Study Club is a place for young people to do their homework or study. They are invited to do
their own thing or work together. It is an opportunity to find a quiet place to study, to get
extra help, share skills, strategies, and ideas or simply access the internet.

Also starting in term two, Kyneton Community House, with the support of the Victorian
Government, is running Folio Cub. It is open to all year 10 and VCE students from the
Macedon Rangers. It will be run at KCH’s new location, 35 High Street, Kyneton, on Tuesdays
from 3:45-6pm, starting May 10th, also during term times.
Folio Club is a place where young people have an opportunity to work on their art folio.
They will have access to some art materials and the internet. They can share skills, and
bounce ideas off each other. We aim to provide students with opportunities to visit galleries
and have local artists drop in and discuss their practice.

In term two, Study Club and Folio Club will be facilitated by me, Jacquilyne Smith. I am a
retired teacher and a local to the Kyneton Community. I have a bachelor’s degree in Fine
Arts and a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education. I have also studied English Literature,
Archaeology, Sociology and Film Studies at the Australian National University. I have taught
Art (7-12), Humanities, Textiles, and Literacy at Kurunjang Secondary College and Kyneton
High School. I am now a practicing artist.

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Kate Ridgeway here, from Kyneton Theatre Company (KTC).

I am KTC’s musical director for our production of ‘We Will Rock You’, held this November.

We held auditions 2 weeks ago but we’re still looking for more cast members as well as crew and in particular a first keyboard player for the show which will be in late October and November.

Could you please send this out the below information to any students who would be interested in gaining some musical theatre experience or who’d just like to have some fun singing and dancing,  as we’d love for your school community to be involved.

Kind Regards,

Kate Ridgeway

The full Production Information (PDF file) can be found below.

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School newsletters Compost sale and Detox your home August 2022 Page 1 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
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CCC073 DyH22 A5 Kyneton Page 2 res - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
MRSC - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Youth Leadership Opportunities

Macedon Ranges Shire Council Youth Services is launching a remodelled Youth Ambassadors Program in 2022. It is a great leadership opportunity for young people in the shire to expand their skills, be a voice for young people and have projects they care about made into a reality. Below is some information about the Youth Ambassadors Program. More information is available on the website at


The Youth Ambassadors Program is a youth leadership initiative that amplifies the voices of young people, and supports projects that young people are passionate about. The program helps young people to realise their leadership potential by building their leadership skills and peer to peer and community connections. Young people aged 15-25 who live, work or study in the Macedon Ranges are eligible to participate in the program.

In 2020/21 we reviewed and remodelled our Youth Ambassador program to ensure the activities it offers are relevant, and useful for young People in the Shire.  In 2022, there are two main ways young people can participate in the Youth Ambassadors program: GREEN MEANS GO and LEADERS IN THE LOOP.


Got a passion project you want to get started, or one you want to keep go, go, going? GREEN MEANS GO gives dollars and project support to young people looking to do just that.

•            Supports young people in pursuing projects they are passionate about

•            Offers financial support of up to $1000 for selected projects

•            Offers worker time and skills support through a series of project ‘cluster’ workshops

•            Participants can apply by pitching their projects through our Green Means Go ‘Pitch’ Portal


Know what young people want and want to tell us? LEADERS IN THE LOOP gives young people a seat and a say at the Council and community consultation table.

•            Supports young leaders by bringing them into consultation and decision making loops

•            Enables young leaders to feedback directly to decision makers in the community

•            Offers remuneration to young leaders for their time and input, into consultations

•            Participants can apply by registering their interest through the Leaders in the Loop portal

Applications are now open for Green Means Go and Leaders in the Loop:




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