May 27, 2022 | News
KHS Newsletter : 27 May 2022

27th May 2022
In this newsletter we continue to celebrate the resilience of our students, staff and families.
Despite significant challenges affecting attendance and staffing due to COVID, and now flu, we have maintained a rigorous and vibrant learning environment. This resilience shines in every item included in this edition; a wonderful variety of activities and events that showcase our positive school culture.
Our Student Leadership Team (SLT) is always at the forefront, with their involvement in co-curricular activities and whole school events such as the recent Harmony Day celebrations. Next week, our SLT and learning programs proudly celebrate National Reconciliation Week, which in 2022 has the theme of “Be Brave. Make Change.” A challenge to all Australians— individuals, families, communities, organisations and government—to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation for the benefit of all Australians.
Recently we also recognised IDAHOBIT day. Members of our Pride Crew and other interested students and staff were able to take part in the flag raising ceremonies both at school and at the community event at the Mechanics Institute. In addition, all classes were provided with resource materials to promote learning about the importance of standing up against homophobia, biphobia, intersex-phobia and transphobia.
Alongside the schedule of recess and lunchtime activities which are published regularly through XUNO news for students and parents, we have also had a very active inter-school sports program this term. For example, our cross-country results were very pleasing and this week the students have had a training session in preparation for their next event. It has been a priority for us to try and maintain the continuity of these events as much a possible and it has been a pleasure to see our students thriving in these activities.
Our Year 11 VCAL students have several projects underway, and a significant one has been the lunch order project which has been so helpful as we await provision of a new canteen operator. The Subway and Sushi orders have been a huge success and we commend the VCAL students for their resilience and problem solving as they refine their operations and management skills.
Our teaching, learning and assessment program has been extremely busy. Thank-you to Anwyn Chapman, Gayle James and the rest of our NAPLAN team for the high completion rate achieved in the past two weeks. This was the first year of NAPLAN online testing across the state, and we managed the technical challenges superbly with the help of Justin Martland, our amazing IT Support person. Our Year 9s will be commencing their Morrisby Profile testing soon, and Year 10s have started thinking about subject selection pathways for their senior years.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone in our school community good health as we move into our winter weather. Take care.
Ana Rees – Principal

Year 7 STEAM
Meet the cute and colourful cast of characters created by 7E STEAM class for animations

VET Building And Construction

Our students have been busy with their set and personal projects over Term 2.
The first year Building and Construction students are working in teams to set out and construct a full-size corner wall framework with an opening window and door installed.
Our second years have been working to complete a combined Hip and Gable roof framework with all the components labelled.
Year 9 woodwork students have been working on the Scale House frame and are now onto some of their personal projects that utilise various joining methods and skills developed earlier.
Mr Azzopardi

Cross Country Champions Rise To The Challenge!
It was with great pride that we saw the following students demonstrate excellence representing our school in the recent Inter School Cross Country event and place within the Top 15 of their event!

Year 7
Felix Cameron, Lawson Fearn,
Ella Forshaw, Floyd Hubert, L-Jay Malone, Xanthe Tardif
Year 8
Samson Briscomb, Dashiel Cannon, Henry Coleman, Eli Jacobsson, Peter Norris, Lexie Stammers
Year 9
Reegan O’Toole, Luke Robertson, Harper Rogers, Bryn Sawyer, Flynn Witkowski
Year 11
Lana Hughes
Year 12
Jakob Rowlson-Donald

Samson Briscomb (Yr 8) – 1st U14 boys
Lexie Stammers (Yr 8) 2nd in U14 girls
Lana Hughes (Yr 11) – 1st in 17 – 20 girls
Felix Cameron (Yr 7) – 2nd 12-13 boys
L-Jay Malone (Yr 7) – 3rd 12 -13 boys
As we await final confirmation of our ‘Top 15 place getters’ going through and the date of the next round, the Student Leadership Team have established training to develop the student’s capacity in the required distance of approx 3kms. Whilst this is very much an individual sport, we feel that through the students training together they will feel part of something bigger and feel proud of their efforts as they work together to be their best.
We have Jakob of Yr 12 and Lana of Yr 11 leading our elite group of runners. This will take place during one of these senior students study periods, so that the junior students don’t miss the same class each week. So far we have had two training sessions. There has been terrific attendance and running of highly competitive times on behalf of the squad. Special mention goes to Dylan Faulds of Yr 8 demonstrating excellence and leading the squad in one of the training sessions despite the fact he couldn’t run on the inter school day due to COVID.
Benjamin Hill – Student Leadership Team Teacher Liaison

On the 17th of May, students & staff joined a community event in downtown Kyneton to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia. This annual event celebrates LGBTQIA+ people globally, and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination.
Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia can occur online, face to face and affect everyone by creating spaces where people feel unsafe and like they can’t be themselves. Sexuality and gender identity or intersex status aren’t always visible, so creating a culture where everyone feels safe, even if there aren’t any visible LGBTI people is even more important.

Paddock To Plate

As we are nearing winter and the days are become colder and shorter, the Paddock to Plate classes cooked up some warm comfort foods. We made hamburgers with the lot and soft tacos. We had many staff and students comment on the delicious aromas wafting around the staffroom.
We tackled the big questions, should a burger with the lot include beetroot and mayonnaise? The verdict is entirely up to you, but a typical burger with the lot consists of a patty, cheese slice, beetroot, tomato, egg, pineapple, bacon, caramelised onion, and sauce.
As the saying goes, the only bad burger is the one you didn’t eat!
The Food Team
Miss Dalley and Mrs Flynn

Art And Design
Students from Year 7 through to Year 12 have been hard at work this semester exploring different ideas, art techniques and various media to make good progress and create some excellent work!
Year 7s have been drawing and painting with ink

Year 8s have been learning about Indigenous art & painting

Year 9 Art students have been exploring Impressionism and new brush techniques

Year 9 Design students have been exploring Environmental Design with landscape plans and beach shack designs

Year 10s have been developing and printing collographs

Year 11s have been working through Unit 2, developing ideas and styles and experimenting with different materials and technique

Year 12s have been exploring sources of artistic inspiration, consolidation of ideas and style, and creating their artwork

Student Leadership Upcoming Event:
Family Fun Day Fundraiser

Chess Tournament
This week on Monday the Chess club had our first tournament. The 4-week tournament started off with a bang with lots of students showing up to play and cheer on their mates.
Next week is round 2 (Monday Recess in B7) and we have the following games:
- Freya Allen VS William Stafford
- Samson Briscombe VS Luca Waterman
- James Green Vs Felix Cameron
- Jackson Guy-Baker vs Lachlan Bloomer
Mr Rickwood


Applied Literacy
Year 10 Careers And Pathways
Big things are happening in Year 10 Careers and Pathways.
On Wednesday 25/5 we had a guest speaker come to inspire our Year 10’s in finding their passion.
Darren Pereira (Success Integrated) started his career as an Accountant at KPMG and soon realised this was not his calling. He then moved into leadership & management training & achieved national recognition within 2 years. He started his own business at 29, conducting life & business coaching, as well as running corporate training sessions for the biggest multi-nationals in the world. He now spends most of his time running study, resilience, motivation, careers & leadership seminars for secondary school communities here & around the world. Since then, he has inspired more than 450,000 people across 7 countries, over a 20 year period. He is now one of the most in-demand, charismatic & energetic speakers in the world. He is naturally engaging & humorous and his no-nonsense advice leaves his audience with a range of practical strategies they can implement immediately.
The year 10’s were jumping out of their seats, laughing, and brainstorming how their pathways at school will help them reach their goals.
On Thursday the 26/5, we embarked on an adventure to Bendigo Tomorrow Bound Careers Expo to talk to Universities, TAFEs and Career pathways.
Mr Swan

Year 11 Senior Ball

Friday the 6th of May was a night of glitz and glamour at Luxor Reception Centre in Taylors Lakes. 37 Kyneton High School students put on an exceptional performance showing the 8 weeks of long dance practice nights had certainly paid off. The students turned up in limos and fancy cars looking like a million dollars even in the pouring rain. After being filmed and photographed they went through one last practice before all of their guests began to arrive. Then the parents, families and friends of the students and school watched in admiration as our very talented students strutted their stuff on the dance floor with elegance and grace. I’m sure everyone present on the night would agree these students did a fantastic job with their presentation and dancing giving them all something to be very proud of. Well done to everyone involved – you certainly did your families and the school very proud.

Thanks to our dance teachers, Pam and Robert Inglis, our Ball coordinator Jodie Cox, and Ball assistant Anne-Marie James. Thank you also to our official party – Emma Nelms for being our Guest of Honour, Ms Ana Rees our School Principal, Faye Zollia our Assistant Principal and MC for the night, Kristin Galea for all her help supervising. Also thank you to Connor McKee for representing the Year 11 cohort and introducing the participants.
But most of all thanks to all our Year 11s who did such an awesome job of entertaining everyone!
Jodie Cox

Instumental Music

Hello Kyneton High School family
Our small but committed Instrumental team is very excited to announce the arrival of a new member of staff. Russell Bannister is our new guitar/drums/bass teacher and is at school on Wednesday and Thursday. From all accounts he is settling in nicely, and is enjoying getting to know his new students. And I believe the feeling is mutual! We look forward to hearing some crazy guitar riffs and rocking drum beats coming out of Room 7 real soon. If you have a son or daughter who is interested in having lessons with Russell, please contact the school office for an enrolment form, although I hear he is pretty booked up already, which is great news for the program.
The team is working hard to abolish the memories of the last two year’s of lockdowns, with performances planned throughout the rest of the year, both large and small. Our main focus will be the Annual Music Soiree in Term 3. Keep posted for the date of that one. However, there will be smaller performance opportunities at various school events such as the upcoming Orientation Days.
And while we’re talking about performances, our very own, very talented singer songwriter Rhiannon Winchester has been gigging around town as part of the Autumn Festival. Her next gig will be at the Mr Yim Open Mic Stage at the Woodend Bowling Club on Sunday June 5th. This event is a great stepping stone for all young Macedon Ranges musos who would love to perform live, but don’t have an avenue or the set up to do so by themselves. If you have a budding muso in your family who would like to come along and try their hand at the event, contact me for more information.
And lastly, we are seeking some young, exciting creative students who love a challenge! Our lovely woodwind and brass teacher Sue has some openings in her timetable this term, and is looking forward to meeting and teaching the next Lisa Simpson on saxophone or Lizzo on flute. All lessons are heavily subsidised and thus ridiculously cheap, and all instruments are available for hire, so don’t feel like you have to go out and buy a brand new one! If you feel like your child is a groover with a big set of lungs then contact the school office for an enrolment form.
More news soon!
Juli Robinson
Instrumental Music Co-Ordinator
Year 8 Humanities
In the lead up to the Federal Election, Year 8 Humanities students made campaign speeches as candidates for the seat of Bendigo. They spoke on issues that they felt were relevant to them, from the school curriculum to housing affordability. Kingston Price went above and beyond, campaigning on a wildlife conservation and sustainability platform, concluding that ‘The future is rice’. Well done to all Year 8 students that campaigned so passionately!
Mr Bedford

Year 7, 8 & 9 Homegroup Update
From Benjamin Hill – Lead Teacher School Culture

This is what’s happening in Homegroup . . . .
REPORT CYCLE 3 Wellbeing Element Focus: Engagement (The E of PERMAH)
Wellbeing Learning Intention: For students to learn how their brains’ create neural pathways and how deliberate practice can strengthen them.
Character Strength: Hope
Parent Wellbeing: Your choices shape your life, and research has shown, that 40% of your wellbeing is determined by the choices you make. In the 21st century, many people don’t make conscious choices, but live on autopilot following rituals and habits. Refuse to accept that you have no choices. The first choice that you have, is whether you choose to choose. Explore, do you choose to make choices, are you on autopilot, or are you pulled along by other people’s choices?
Acknowledgement: Tal Ben Shahar
Many parents and teachers encourage students to practise and apply what they learn in class to other situations after school. Any push back from students is part of adolescence, but if they knew how their brains learn new things to build habits, they might well be more open-minded. Neuroscience has shown that their (and our) brains rewire themselves when they experience new things; called Neuroplasticity. Their brains create new brain (neural) pathways by joining millions of nerve cells, called neurons, together. The more often they repeat something, the stronger these pathways become and the faster the messages travel down them. Their brains love searching for patterns and deliberately practising creates patterns which in time become their habits. But on the other hand, when these pathways aren’t used, they wither and die. That is why learnt material needs to be revisited for the brain pathways to strengthen. Study and practise develop brain pathways for their memories to remember things. Staying in their comfort zone and only studying and practising what they can get right, results in little or no academic growth. Students need to practise tasks where they get about 70% of them correct, and then learn more intelligent approaches to fix their mistakes for the 30% they find difficult. The character strength perseverance is an effective one for students to action to use to do this.
Acknowledgement: Pascual-Leone & Dweck
“To make headway, improve your head.”
B.C. Forbes
Career Education
Career education in Year 7:
I discover
Year 7 students use a range of activities to discover their strengths and interests to develop a positive self-image that provides the foundation for optimistic pathway planning. They develop an awareness of the importance of social and interpersonal skills in their future life and work roles.
Students investigate the contribution of work to the community and family, recognising the role of paid and unpaid work. They focus on understanding issues relating to stereotyping and discrimination through the study of occupational and labour market information.
Students build their career action plan on the self-knowledge they have acquired through the activities they have undertaken.
Career education in Year 8:
I explore
Students in Year 8 explore the influence that a positive self-image and good learning habits have on occupational choice. They research a wide range of occupational profiles to examine the nature of the work, the personal attributes and skills necessary to perform the tasks, and the required entry-level education and training.
Students use their occupational knowledge to investigate a range of occupations that contribute to their community and develop an awareness of the opportunities available in their local area. Students apply their occupational knowledge to explore possible career options that may suit their educational and personal goals.
They revisit their annual career action plan and review their career and learning goals in line with their academic achievement.
Career education in Year 9:
I focus
Year 9 students focus on the contribution that personal attributes and effective communication skills make to their future life and work roles.
Students participate in activities that highlight the skills needed to gain and maintain employment such as mock interviews and online applications.
Students examine the changes that have taken place in the workplace over a period of time and apply their knowledge to consider the nature of change on their planning for their preferred future.
In their career action plan students apply their knowledge of their personal attributes and reflect on possible future pathways taking into consideration education and training requirements and the impact of change.
This past week all VCE Classical Studies students took a journey into the past and opened their minds to other worlds at the Melbourne Museum.
Part 1- Open Horizons
This exhibition took students on a journey through Ancient Greek art. Classical Studies focuses upon the study of Classical Works. On this excursion students got to view, first hand, some of the most significant items from the prestigious National Archaeological Museum in Athens. This exhibition features 44 ancient works that date from the Early Bronze Age to the Roman period.
Part 2- Triceratops: Fate of the Dinosaurs
This was an immersive voyage into a lost world, where students explored the landscapes of the Cretaceous and got to know the creatures that thrived there.
Archaeology underpins our study of Classical Works. Students came face to face with one of the most awe-inspiring creatures ever to walk the Earth- the Triceratops. Alive during the Late Cretaceous, about 67 million years ago, the species Triceratops Horridus went extinct at least 500,000 years before an asteroid hit the Earth, causing mass extinction. Horridus was found in what is now Montana, USA and must have died in or near a river. The body was then quickly buried before scavengers had a chance to move in and carry the bones away. And . . . that’s where Horridus remained until 2014, when the specimen was discovered under 3.5 metres of sandstone!
Benjamin Hill – VCE Classical Studies Teacher
Year 11 VCAL :
Personal Development Skills Update

Learning outcome 4 : Demonstrate interpersonal skills to communicate ideas and information.
Learning outcome 5 : Demonstrate leadership skills and responsibilities.

The Year 11 VCAL car cleaning service continues to impress with consistent bookings each week.
All monies raised are going toward supporting another group of Year 11 VCAL PDS students, whose project is to fix up our school cricket pitch. This has included re-concreting and patching up our existing cricket pitch, so that we can purchase artificial turf, which this group of students will permanently fix atop of our existing pitch.
For PDS Semester 1, the Year 11 VCAL students learning outcomes they are mapping against their project work are as follows:
Learning outcome 1 : Plan, organise and carry out a complex activity or project.
Learning outcome 2 : Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the context of a complex activity or project.
Learning outcome 3 : Demonstrate self-management skills for goal achievement in the context of a complex activity or project.
Whilst projects like those mentioned above are in full swing, these VCAL students are now looking to be more effective in their roles as individuals and how they perform as a team.

However, new and innovative projects have begun to develop also. For example, the building of new planter boxes for our developing kitchen garden. Here we see Year 11 VCAL students who are pursuing apprenticeships in carpentry and landscaping. Here they are coming together under the tutelage of Mr Mark Spencer, to create fresh, functional, robust and aesthetically pleasing planter boxes, as we begin to rejuvenate and refresh our KHS Kitchen Garden.
Benjamin Hill – Year 11 VCAL PDS Teacher
Building Program
A short flight around the works in progress
Video : Kevin Tootell

KHS Co-Curricular Activities Schedule
Day | Time | Activity | Who | Where | With who |
MONDAY | RECESS | Boxing Club and Gym | All interested students 7-12 | Gym Shed | Mr Merret Mr Hill |
Chess Club | All interested students 7-12 | B7 | Mr Rickwood | ||
LUNCH | AFL Match | All interested students 7-12 | Oval | House Captains Jason C. Year 11 Maverick K. Year 9 Mr Hill | |
Book Review Team | All interested students 7-12 | Library | Francesca | ||
Drama Club | All interested students 7-12 | Performing Arts Studio | Ms Turpie Year 11 Performing Arts Captain Lana H. | ||
Gaming Club | All interested students 7-12 | B8 | Staff TBA Year 12 Gaming Club Captains Zoe P. & Aris A. | ||
Magic The Gathering Card Game | All interested students 7-12 | B8 | Ms Matthews | ||
Pride Crew (fortnightly) | All interested students 7-12 | B3 | Gareth | ||
Volleyball | All interested students 7-12 | Grass area between Oval & our School Kitchen Garden | Year 12 School Vice Captain Lizzie B. Year 12 House Captain Charlotte K. |
TUESDAY | RECESS | Boxing Club and Gym | All interested students 7-12 | Gym Shed | Mr Hill |
Literature Club | All interested students 7-12 | SL3 | Ms Nelms | ||
LUNCH | PC Building Club | All interested students 7-12 | B3 | Tom | |
Dungeons and Dragons Club | Main Group 1 | B7 | Ms Daws | ||
Dungeons and Dragons Club | Main Group 2 | B8 | Ms Matthews | ||
Singing Club / Choir | All interested students 7-12 | Music Room (Rm 26) | Ms Frank | ||
Soccer Match | All interested students 7-12 | Oval | Year 12 House Captains Adi & Charli | ||
Table Tennis | All interested students 7-12 | Hall | Ms Nguyen |
WEDNESDAY | RECESS | Boxing Club and Gym | All interested students 7-12 | Gym Shed | Mr Oliveri Mr Hill |
LUNCH | AFL Match | All interested students 7-12 | Oval | House Captains Jason C. Yr 11 Maverik K. Yr 9 Mr Hill | |
Craft | All interested students 7-12 | Library | Ms Matthews Ms Sharpe | ||
Dungeons and Dragons Club | Year 7 | B7 | Year 11 D&D Club Captains Zoe P, Liam G. & Liam McK. | ||
!!!Surprise Your Eyes!!! Mystery Video | All interested students 7-12 | Library | Stephen |
THURSDAY | RECESS | Boxing Club and Gym | All interested students 7-12 | Gym Shed | Mr Ryan Mr Hill |
Craft Club | All interested students 7-12 | Library | Ms Sharpe & Ms Matthews | ||
LUNCH | Dungeons and Dragons Club | Main Group 1 | B7 | Ms Daws | |
Dungeons and Dragons Club | Main Group 2 | B8 | Ms Matthews | ||
Girls Only Gym | All interested female students 7-12 | Gym Shed | Ms Smith Year 12 House Captain Elise P. | ||
Student Leadership Team Meeting | Year Level Captains Values Captains Events & Promotions Captains SLT Photographer | SLT Lounge | Year 12 School Captains |
FRIDAY | RECESS | Boxing Club and Gym | All interested students 7-12 | Gym Shed | Mr Feng Mr Hill |
LUNCH | Dungeons and Dragons Club | Year 7 | B7 | Year 11 D&D Club Captains Zoe P. Liam G. and Liam McK. | |
Marimba Ensemble | All interested students 7-12 | Instrumental Music (Room 7) | Andy Rigby & Sue Morris Woodwind Teacher | ||
Netball Match | All interested students 7-12 | Netball Court on Bus Loop | Year 12 School Captain Thea Year 12 House Captain Tahlia | ||
Staff vs. Year 10 students Basketball Match | Year 10 students | KSAC Stadium | Mr Swan and an all-star lineup of other KHS Staff | ||

From Lucy King – Alumni Coordinator
Year 10 Work Experience
Alumni Session
On Thursday May 12th Kyneton High School was thrilled to welcome back three alumni to talk to the Year 10 cohort in the lead up to their work experience placements.
A crucial stepping stone between leaving school and entering the workforce, work experience provides students opportunities to explore different career options and work environments, whilst developing a new set of professional skills.
Pastry Chef Eliza Moore, Electrician and volunteer Fire Fighter Jess Cockerill-Wright, and Psychological Science student Dornee Trimble each shared insights into their approach to undertaking work experience, tasks they did, new skills and personal developments gained, expectations from employers and the workforce, and how completing work experience benefitted them in preparation for the world of work – in Eliza’s case being offered 2 apprenticeships and kick-starting her career!
L-R: Dornee Trimble, Eliza Moore, Jess Cockerill-Wright The alumni with Mr Hill With Assistant Principal Ms Zollia & Principal Ms Rees Dornee, Eliza & Jess with Alumni Coordinator Lucy King regaling Year 10
Key take-away messages included the importance of communication and asking lots of questions, getting involved in all tasks, stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things – and not to constantly be looking at your phone!
Jess Cockerill-Wright advocated the benefits of volunteering as another way for students to gain work experience, learn professional skills and build networking opportunities.
Alumni also discussed their post-school pathway and steps taken to reach their careers, sharing industry knowledge and advice to students about entering the workforce.
A big shout out to Dornee Trimble who shared her personal experience with anxiety and mental health struggles after leaving school. Dornee shared how she navigated these challenges, with the experience ultimately sparking her passion for working in mental health, inspiring her to study Psychology and work towards a career path in Youth Counselling.
It was lovely seeing the alumni back at school and reconnecting with each other and their former teachers. Thank you!

Careers Events At KHS
from Ms Trembath – Careers Co-ordinator
It’s an exciting time for Year 9 and 10 students.
Tomorrow Bound
Year 10 students will be attending the Tomorrow Bound Careers Expo in Bendigo to visit exhibitors from lots of different workplaces, TAFEs and Unis. This is a great opportunity for our students and should be a fun day. Please give your permission on XUNO if you haven’t already.
Work Experience
Year 10s will also be heading off to the world of full-time work on the 6th to the 10th of June. This is such an exciting week for our students who can learn new skills and develop a greater understanding of possible pathways. A big thank you to the families that have supported this process and of course, all the employers in our community and beyond that host our students. Well done to the Year 10 students who have persisted in getting a place. We appreciate it all!
Year 9 Morrisby Online
Next week Year 9 students will start preparing for the Morrisby online. This is a Career Tool, supported by the Education Department, that collects information about students’ abilities, interests and personality and provides a range of career suggestions that they might be suited to. It’s not intended to replace any pathways ideas and plans students may already have but it can be a helpful process for students. Following this, students will receive a written report and will be able to make an appointment in Term 3 with an independent careers counsellor to discuss the report. Parents and carers are welcome to attend this meeting too. Please ensure that you’ve given approval (via xuno or hardcopy) if needed.
The online sessions will run in Week 7 (6-10th June).
In this edition of Compass Career News:
- Victorian Careers Show 2022
- Dates to Diarise in Term 2
- What does a Clinical Neuropsychologist do?
- What is a Freelance Journalist?
- Virtual Tours of Bond University
- Upcoming Monash Seminars
- Discover Monash Seminar Series
- Campus Tours – Winter Holidays
- Monash Information Evenings
- The Bachelor of Accounting and Business Information Technology (Professional) at Swinburne
- Trades at RMIT
- Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Remedial Massage Courses in 2022
- Physiotherapy Degrees in Victoria in 2022
- Snapshot of Federation University Australia in 2022
See the full newsletter below.
Head Start
Head Start staff attended The Trades Fit Expo recently which was held at the Convention Centre in Melbourne. This expo targeted young women with an interest in moving into careers in trade and tech. Across the Loddon Campaspe area we had 37 students attend; two of these students were from Kyneton High.
This was a great opportunity for young women to explore the world of work and speak with women from industries and TAFES about their experiences. All of the students that attended had a great time and were able to gain more of an insight into which career they would like to pursue.
Kelli Hewton
The GOTAFE Mobile Campus will be setup in Kyneton from 20-24 June offering workshops to support students in career readiness. Workshops include resume writing, addressing key selection criteria, interview readiness to name a few. See below for more info.

1x size 34 school shirt
1x size 12/70/Y grey KHS shorts
Purchased this year but never worn. Suit ~12 year old.
$10 each
Please contact the office for details.
Academic Pants for sale – New Size 16
Academic Shorts for sale – New Size 16
Price negotiable. Please contact Simone : 0481 432 136

Coming up…
Some dates for the diary
Friday 27th May | Reconciliation week starts Year 11 Classics museum excursion |
Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June | Reconciliation week Year 9 Morrisby information week |
Thursday 2nd June | Student photos |
Friday 3rd June | Preorientation day Prospective parent information session 9.30am – 11.30am |
Monday 6th June – Friday 10th June | Year 10 work experience Year 9 Morrisby |
Monday 6th June | Year 6 parent information webinar 7pm |
Monday 13th June | Queen’s birthday holiday |
Tuesday 14th June | Year 8 Live4Life |
Wednesday 15th June | Year 8 sports – Netball |
Thursday 16th June | Year 8 sports – Soccer/AFL (boys) |
Friday 17th June | Year 9 camp Year 10 formal |
Saturday 18th June | Family Fun Day – Kyneton Soccer Club 9.30am |
Monday 20th June | Senior sport – Basketball Year 10 Careers pathway conversations Year 11 VCE Career action plans |
Tuesday 21st June | Year 8 Live4Life |
Wednesday 22nd June | OED Rock climbing camp |
Thursday 23rd June | OED Rock climbing camp School council |
Friday 24th June | OED Rock climbing camp End of Term 2 |

Study Club is an initiative by Squishy Minnie Bookstore, Kyneton Community House,
and the Victorian Government. It is open to all high school age students from the
Macedon Ranges.
It is held at Squishy Minnie on Thursdays from 3:45pm to 6pm during term times.
Study Club is a place for young people to do their homework or study. They are invited to do
their own thing or work together. It is an opportunity to find a quiet place to study, to get
extra help, share skills, strategies, and ideas or simply access the internet.
Also starting in term two, Kyneton Community House, with the support of the Victorian
Government, is running Folio Cub. It is open to all year 10 and VCE students from the
Macedon Rangers. It will be run at KCH’s new location, 35 High Street, Kyneton, on Tuesdays
from 3:45-6pm, starting May 10th, also during term times.
Folio Club is a place where young people have an opportunity to work on their art folio.
They will have access to some art materials and the internet. They can share skills, and
bounce ideas off each other. We aim to provide students with opportunities to visit galleries
and have local artists drop in and discuss their practice.
In term two, Study Club and Folio Club will be facilitated by me, Jacquilyne Smith. I am a
retired teacher and a local to the Kyneton Community. I have a bachelor’s degree in Fine
Arts and a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education. I have also studied English Literature,
Archaeology, Sociology and Film Studies at the Australian National University. I have taught
Art (7-12), Humanities, Textiles, and Literacy at Kurunjang Secondary College and Kyneton
High School. I am now a practicing artist.

Youth Leadership Opportunities
Macedon Ranges Shire Council Youth Services is launching a remodelled Youth Ambassadors Program in 2022. It is a great leadership opportunity for young people in the shire to expand their skills, be a voice for young people and have projects they care about made into a reality. Below is some information about the Youth Ambassadors Program. More information is available on the website at
The Youth Ambassadors Program is a youth leadership initiative that amplifies the voices of young people, and supports projects that young people are passionate about. The program helps young people to realise their leadership potential by building their leadership skills and peer to peer and community connections. Young people aged 15-25 who live, work or study in the Macedon Ranges are eligible to participate in the program.
In 2020/21 we reviewed and remodelled our Youth Ambassador program to ensure the activities it offers are relevant, and useful for young People in the Shire. In 2022, there are two main ways young people can participate in the Youth Ambassadors program: GREEN MEANS GO and LEADERS IN THE LOOP.
Got a passion project you want to get started, or one you want to keep go, go, going? GREEN MEANS GO gives dollars and project support to young people looking to do just that.
• Supports young people in pursuing projects they are passionate about
• Offers financial support of up to $1000 for selected projects
• Offers worker time and skills support through a series of project ‘cluster’ workshops
• Participants can apply by pitching their projects through our Green Means Go ‘Pitch’ Portal
Know what young people want and want to tell us? LEADERS IN THE LOOP gives young people a seat and a say at the Council and community consultation table.
• Supports young leaders by bringing them into consultation and decision making loops
• Enables young leaders to feedback directly to decision makers in the community
• Offers remuneration to young leaders for their time and input, into consultations
• Participants can apply by registering their interest through the Leaders in the Loop portal
Applications are now open for Green Means Go and Leaders in the Loop: