January 27, 2021  |  News

Welcome Back Students!

We’re back! Here is some important information about starting at school for our new and returning students:


  • Wednesday 27/1 – Pupil Free Day (Teachers only)/ Book Collection Day
  • Thursday 28/1 – Pupil Free Day (Teachers only)
  • Friday 29/1 – Year 7 ‘Welcome’ Day and Year 12 ‘Eyes on the Prize’ Day (only Year 7 & 12 Students required)
  • Monday 1/2 – All students return to school

Covid-19 Measures

The Department of Education has informed us that masks are no longer mandatory in secondary school settings. However, students travelling on the bus will still be required to wear a mask in that setting. All students and adults in the school must carry a mask with them at all times as per the CHO’s community guidelines.

We will continue our CovidSafe practices, including the use of hand sanitiser upon entry and exit of classrooms.

If your child has ANY Covid symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat, etc.) then they MUST stay home and have a Covid test before returning to school. Students who display symptoms at school will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian.

We thank you for your cooperation in this.


Students must wear full school uniform, including enclosed black leather shoes. Students will change into their sports uniform at the beginning of their timetabled sports period – they should not wear this to and from school.

If your child is unable to attend school in uniform for some reason, please send them with a note. They will need to go to the First Aid Office to receive a uniform pass for the day.

If you need assistance regarding uniform, please contact the school.

B.Y.O.D / Laptops

Students are reminded that they must bring their laptops and chargers to school every day. Parents/Guardians may be called to bring a student’s laptop in to school if it is forgotten, as these are an essential learning item, and form a part of our CovidSafe plan.

Please contact the school if there is a reason that your child cannot bring their laptop to school (e.g. if it is in for repair).

Locks & Lockers

Returning students are reminded to bring their locks to school with them. New students will be allocated locks on their return to school.

Lockers will be allocated by Year Level Leaders.


The canteen will open for students this Monday 1 February.

We look forward to seeing our wonderful students back on site!




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