February 10, 2023  |  News

KHS Newsletter : Feb 2023

KHS NEWS - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

10th February 2023

From Ana - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

We have enjoyed a very successful start to our school year.  We began with family interviews for Years 7 to 10, welcoming new Year 7 families into the school, and reconnecting with families from Years 8 to 10 after the summer break.  Our Years 11 and 12 students started immediately into their academic programs. It has been a very pleasant and productive start to 2023.

We had our traditional Welcome to Year 7 students at the first whole school assembly this week.  Year 12 students formed a Guard of Honour for Year 7s to walk through.  We also had “Learning Affirmations” delivered by representatives of the Year 7 Home Groups.  I would like to thank the following students for their courage in standing up to speak in front of the whole school: Macey 7A, Marnie 7B, Matisse 7C, Jack 7D, Vaughn 7E.

Our School Captain, Zoe Bespalov, spoke about these traditions to our assembly.  She said:

We began today by having the Year 12 students form a guard of honour for the Year 7s to run through, as they come in and sit down for the first time. We have been welcoming the new Year 7s into the space and into the school with this tradition ever since my first year of high school.

This means that I was one of the first Year 7s to ever do this – I remember feeling both bigger than I’d ever been, and smaller.

Every person in this room was once a Year 7, whether it was at Kyneton High School, or somewhere else. 

We might remember ourselves being quite different from the people we are now, or we might not. Everyone grows in different ways, but high school is a time of great change for everyone, and it starts in Year 7. More than anything, the first year of high school is characterised by growth, and by making decisions about the kind of person you want to become. This doesn’t end when you reach Year 8, and it definitely doesn’t end when you are in Year 12. I know that I and the rest of Year 12 can remember sitting down there on the floor – and that we don’t feel that much older than when we started high school. 

This is why it is so important that we have this tradition. Our Year 7s form the most fundamental part of our school. They will go on to occupy every year level and eventually, when they are in Year 12, they will be the ones to welcome in the new cohort of students.

It is an indication of the sustainability and respect of our school culture, having our oldest students protecting and encouraging the youngest.  Kyneton High School welcomes its own.

Our School Captains for 2023, Mitch Boyer, Zoe Bespalov, Carlos Medina , Tobe Kolanowski and Lana Hughes, also shared their leadership vision for 2023. Here is what they said at the assembly:

Our collective leadership goals revolve around creating a kinder, more inclusive and more accepting school environment, where everyone can feel that they are respected.  We want to pursue excellence in all aspects of this school and push all of you to be the best versions of yourselves.  We believe that everyone is able to have a say in whole school matters and that everyone is listened to, valued and appreciated.  We have all been involved in student leadership for several years, some of us since Year 7.  We have witnessed lot of positive change happen within Kyneton High School and we are very excited to be a part of that change in 2023.

With such qualities and capability in our student leadership team, we can be confident in looking forward to a fulfilling year ahead.

Ana Rees

Welcome banner - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Colour firework - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Year 7 speaker trim - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

A brave representative from each Year 7 class stepped up to the mic and spoke to the assembly.

Yr 7 speaker 1 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

They were Macey Bodenko (7A), Marnie Dalton (7B), Matisse Harley (7C), Jack Tripp (7D) and Vaughan Hedge (7E)

Class Of 2028!

At a special assembly on Thursday 9th of February, Principal Ana Rees, School Captains Zoe Bespalov & Mitch Boyer, along with Vice Captains Carlos Medina, Tobe Kolanowski & Lana Hughes formally welcomed our new Year 7 students to the school.

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The Year 7s arrived through the Year 12 guard of honour.

Through the tunnel - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Here they come!
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Mitch Boyer & the student leaders introduce the Year 7 representatives
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Assembly Captains - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Zoe, Mitch, Carlos and Lana heading up the guard of honour
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Muffy - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Welcome To
“The Hub!”

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Serving window at The Hub

Meet Paul, the new Manager of “The Hub” Cafe.
We asked Paul to tell us about himself, and give us the goods on the new KHS Canteen.

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Leanne & Paul welcome you to The Hub!
Croissanty - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Paul, how did you come to end up here managing the canteen?
Angie, who runs Angie’s cafe bakeshop in Kyneton, I’ve worked for her with functions over the past couple of years, and she mentioned she was taking on the contract. I said I had run schools and TAFE colleges before, for a big company called Spotless Catering. She asked if I wanted to have a go, and here I am!

Kids favourites – are there any that the kids seem to have taken to?
Pizza, at the moment. We don’t make the bases, but we make all the toppings here ourselves. Things like ham and cheese, and we’re trying a roast veg topping margharita. The cheese we use is a light cheese, low fat cheese. The ham we use is 97% fat free.

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Freshly stir-fried veggie curry

Generally the main meal type stuff, like today we’re having a veg curry, along with pesto pasta chicken. Tomorrow we might have lasagne. So yeah, it changes every day.
Is there a main meal lunch? Like, is that the first lunch or the second lunch? Or are you serving just a variety of both lunches?
A variety. Recess is different to lunch. Recess is more snacky items, lunch tends to be a bit more a solid type meal.
Well, it smells great!

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Apply - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

What type of foods are you trying to serve in the canteen, because it’s definitely different.
We’re trying to be more healthy, and trying to make a lot of things on site as opposed to buying everything in that’s loaded with god knows what! Less processed foods and more home-made sort of stuff.

Toastie - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

The menu changes every day, I’ve noticed.
Yes, the menu changes every day, and I’m looking at going on a 4-weekly cycle of the menu. So we have our staples of the pizza, garlic bread, drinks, toasted sandwiches, yoghurt, fruit salad, jelly cups, chocolate mousse cups.

Reporting: Mr Spencer
Photos: Ava Coleman

Year 8 Drama

Lots of laughter has been coming from the freshly renovated drama class this week! The Year 8 students have jumped right into their drama classes by focusing on the key skills of collaboration, communication and confidence. The students have all set learning goals; along with learning about drama vocabulary and creating little scenes in small groups. It has been a pleasure watching the students build their confidence already, I can’t wait to see how far they come by the end of the semester!
Ms Frank

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Year 10 Business & Law

SisterWorks - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

We’ve just had Leah from SisterWorks join virtually to talk to the students about social enterprises. SisterWorks helps refugees and asylum seekers in Bendigo. The students asked her some great questions about working for a social enterprise.

Mr Rickwood

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Positive acknowledgements and achievements from Year 10 in Week 3!

Award winners - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Maverick – Humanities; Mia F – General; Dylan Scott – PE; Matthew Black – PE;
Marley – Humanities; Eden – Business and Law; Charlie Cook – Humanities

Year 11 Physics

mmm cheese - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Year 11 Physics with Mr Lucky are learning about different types of waves and electromagnetic radiation. As part of this, students undertook a practical task to calculate the speed of light using just a microwave and slices of cheese!

Senior Interschool Sports 

Cricket - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
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Game 1: Kyneton batted first with Tom Place top scoring with 38 and Ryder Henchie with 19. Starting the boys off to end up with a score of 108. It was a fierce match between us and Sacred Heart, playing against team mates and players in the same weekend competition. Sacred Heart came out and put some quick runs on the board and although Brady Muir took 3 catches in the field, including a one handed aerial catch, Sacred Heart were too good and won the match.
Wicket takers: Harry Torney x 2;
TJ Weeks x 1

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Game 2: We played Mt. Ridley where we batted first again. These guys were hot favourites and they showed us exactly why that was. As good as we were batting, we finished up on 43. We fired away with the ball with Iain Kosmac opening again and we’re off to a solid start. A few early appeals but the opening pair put their foot down and started hitting frequent boundaries. They caught our score and won that match. 

All the boys played well and demonstrated the best sportsmanship. Over the 2 games, the Man of match was awarded to: Brady Muir – in the field for 3 catches and sharp fielding and Tom Place – Batting: Top scoring with 34 and allowing teammates to build an innings around him.

Overall it was a great way to start the year of sport!

Dave Romer

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Kyneton High Volleyballers have been training hard for weeks in preparation for interschool sport. We took a girls and boys side along for the day. Our girls had some great success, a massive 57-12 win in game 1 and a close win in game 2. Unfortunately we lost the other two games, but captain Leah Woods mentioned the whole team played extremely well. Kisha Monleon was a standout with a run of 9 points won on her serve in a row. 

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Unfortunately our senior boys lost all games but played really well as a team. Tayte Ryan showed great leadership skills in encouraging the team to stay positive. Jacob Girvan and Cameron Egan worked hard defensively and had some quality blocks. 

Overall it was a successful day and the students should be really proud of their efforts.

Coach Swanny

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Year 12 Biology

12 Biology - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
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In their usual awesome fashion, students from the Year 12 Biology class demonstrated their knowledge and creativity by constructing DNA and RNA models out of pasta.

Nucleic acid - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

They had to think about which type of pasta would represent their nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine/uracil, guanine, and cytosine), and which would be best representing the sugar-phosphate backbone of the nucleic acids.

Taking my DNA for a walk - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

All models received a prize based on their properties whether it was most creative, most realistic, or most laborious.

Mrs Swinden

Valedictorians – Class Of 2022

Our beautiful 2022 Valedictorians celebrating during their graduation dinner at the end of their Year 12 exams last year!!  The students had a wonderful time and it was such a pleasure to see the dance floor so full of students and their families.  

KHS Valedictory 2022 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Our congratulations and very best wishes go out to all our beautiful students from 2022.  You were amazing and we know that you all have an incredible future ahead of you!!

Annette Brown
on behalf of the Senior Years Team

Year 12 VCAA Exams – End Of An Era

The Senior Years Team would like to acknowledge and send a HUGE thank you to Geoff Barrett who retired from VCAA Year 12 external exam supervision at the end of last year.  Geoff was the school’s Chief Supervisor for the previous 11 years and last year assisted in a very smooth transition as Assistant Supervisor.  He was previously a Principal at Kyneton High School for many years.  We greatly appreciate the time, effort, patience and professionalism that Geoff has given to the students and Senior Years Team to ensure that our VCAA external exam processes are in accordance with VCAA best practice and audit requirements.  Thank you so much Geoff, we will miss you!!

Annette Brown on behalf of the Senior Years Team

Also, the Newsletter Editor would like to say a personal thanks to you Geoff, for signing me on as the school’s Library Technician all those years ago! I promised you I would stay for at least a year; happy to report, 19 years later, I kept my promise.

Year 11/12 VCE

Welcome to the Year 11 and 12 VCE / VCE VM 2023 year!  This will be a demanding year for both students and their parent/carers.  To assist you in making the most of this very important year we have organised a VCE and VCE VM Information Session where you will have the opportunity to meet Year Level Leaders and some of our amazing VCE/VCE VM Teachers!!

It is anticipated that this information session will run for approximately 30 minutes and parent/carers will then have the opportunity to have a “meet and greet” session with teachers. This session will include information as follows:-

  • What is required of VCE and VCE VM Students
  • ATAR and Study Scores
  • What is a SAC (School Assessed Coursework)
  • Open Days
  • University Early Entry Schemes
  • Resumes and Career Action Plans
  • Apprenticeships / Traineeships
  • Special Consideration process
  • How you can support your student.

In particular, we extend a special invitation to parents/carers of students in the Year 11 and 12 VCE VM Program.  This year is an important year for Victorian Schools as we transition from the VCAL Program to VCE VM (Vocational Major).  It is imperative that you understand the new requirements for the VCE VM Program and we highly encourage parents/carers and important supporters to attend.


Our Year 11 Senior Years Ball Co-ordinator Jodie Cox has been busy organising the Year 11 Senior Ball.  This year we will have our Year 11 Level Leader Rebecca Wallace teaching students their formal dances. A wonderful night is expected! Ms Wallace will provide a brief overview of expectations regarding the Senior Years Ball during this Information Session as well.

Looking forward to seeing all our beautiful students and their amazing supporters at this Information Session.

With thanks, Senior Years Team


Compass Career News : Read or download below

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School Notices

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Stop - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

It is very important that all students adhere to the road rules at all times.

It has been brought to the attention of the school that students are putting themselves in danger while crossing the roads coming to and upon leaving the school.

Students must use the crossing in Epping Street.

When crossing Ferguson Street please cross at the ‘Stop’ sign on the corner.

Do not cross between the buses.


Sad kitty - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

… on Columns 2022?

Don’t cry! There are still some copies left.

100 pages of glorious memories, celebrations, events, sports, a bazillion photos, random mayhem, and magnificent creativity!
The WHOLE YEAR squeezed into a big bright bouncy souvenir.
PLUS 10 sneaky intruder sharks.
Can you find them all???

while stocks last!!!


Columns 2022 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Columns 2022 cover
Oval - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Some examples of prime
KHS Mayhem from the pages of COLUMNS 2022

KHS – Useful Contacts In 2023

Year Level Leaders

Year 7James Shepherd-Turnbull
Year 8Geoff Comben
Year 9Dave Romer
Year 10Tim Rickwood
Year 11Rebecca Wallace
Year 12Emma Nelms
Year 7/8 Sub School LeaderCassie Gunter
Middle Years CareersKate Sims
VCE and Year 11/12 CareersRosemary White
Disability & InclusionCas Tardif

Learning Area Leaders

ArtsAlex Ashley
EnglishEmma Nelms
Melanie Bone
Health & P.E.Jodie Cox
HomegroupCaroline Sharpe
HumanitiesRosemary White
LanguagesGeoff Comben
Kiky Amelia
MathematicsAlex Pascoe
ScienceTeegan Swinden
TechnologiesAndrew Azzopardi

Home Group Staff

7AKris Ford
7BWilliam Mulvaney
7CJayden Andrea
7DAlex Frank
7EMolly Thomas
8AQuynh Ho
8BJulian Bedford
8CRyan Eddy
8DMelanie Bone
8ETeegan Swinden
8FCaroline Sharpe
9AJane Strickland
9BCamille Price
9CKatie Matthews
9DKyle McCabe
Blueline - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Department Of Education Privacy Collection Notice

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Divide line - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Principal Tour FB Post - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Divide line - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
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Coming up…

Some dates for the diary

Tuesday 14th FebruaryYear 7 Family evening 4.30 pm
Thursday 16th FebruarySchool council
Monday 20th FeburaryStudent photos
Tuesday 21st FebruaryYear 10 Holocaust Museum excursion
Wednesday 22nd FebruaryVCE Information night 6.30 pm
Thursday 23rd FebruarySwimming sports
Blueline - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Community notices - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Kyneton FIDA

FIDA JOIN US - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

The Kyneton FIDA side promotes fitness, friendship & belonging, developing life skills, confidence & improved health.  And we are on the look out for new players to join us for the 2023 Season!

So who can play?

A Player will be deemed as ELIGIBLE (E), for the purposes of participation in FIDA and the National Inclusion Carnival, if: i. the participant meets the Sport Inclusion Australia (SIA, formerly AUSRAPID) classification, or can provide evidence of this classification in the past.

• All new Players are encouraged to seek SIA classification upon registration.

A Player will be classified as ALLOWED (A) for the purposes of participation in the FIDA Football League, if: ii. the participant is declined for a SIA classification, and upon reviewing the evidence provided, FIDA determines the Player meets two (2) of the existing FIDA Player eligibility requirements:

• Attendance at a Specialist School.

• Attendance at a Mainstream School with funded Educational Support under the category of Intellectual Disability in the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) or similar.

• Proof of Disability Support Pension or NDIS registration under the category of Intellectual Disability.

• Registration with a Disability Service Provider under the category of Intellectual Disability

What is the age range?

Players under 14 are required to provide signed permission from their parents or caregivers, submitted to the FIDA Management, and may be required to meet with a member of the FIDA Executive Committee before they can play.  Players over 40 are required to provide a medical clearance.

The Spirit of the Game involves showing RESPECT for:

• Your opponents and their Team Officials

• Your own captain, Coaches, and Team

• The role of the Umpires

• Supporters and spectators OF ALL AGES

• The Game’s traditional values

To find out more about FIDA, visit fida.org.au

To find out more about Kyneton FIDA, visit Kyneton FIDA Football, First Game at Tigerland – YouTube and  FIDA game day on Vimeo

To register your interest to play for the mighty Tigers, please contact Debbie Fraumano
0403 343 705


We welcome all to come along and see what we are all about! 

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2023 Big Dreamers Flyer - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
NetSetGo Netball 1000 × - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Woodend 2023 Earlybird Netball 1000 × - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning




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