Extracurricular offerings
We are proud to offer a rich range of extracurricular opportunities for our students including individual instrumental music tuition, sporting opportunities, and lunch time clubs, such as Chess, Pride Crew and Dungeons and Dragons. We also have strong community links with the local branches of the Zonta International and Rotary Australia, who have helped establish chapters of their junior branches in the school – Z-Club and Interact Club.
We have an ambitious Student Leadership Team made up of School and Year Level Captains and House Captains. They are responsible for many initiatives including fundraising, leadership skill-building and promotion of our school values within the school and wider community.

Support for students with specific needs
Our Equity Leader has a dedicated team of educational support staff who support students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs), including those funded through the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD). This team works in conjunction with the students, their parents, teachers and Year Level Leaders to put together individual education plans (IEPs) and Learning Goals for the students. Our teachers constantly review our learning sequences and access professional development to support the learning of students with SLDs, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, etc.
Support for well-abled students (Gifted and Talented)
We recognise that well-abled students need specific supports to be able to access and cultivate their ‘gifts’, to encourage them to engage mindfully with their education and foster a growth-mindset. The Gifted and Talented Students co-ordinators in our school assist staff to identify students who are very well-abled academically or in particular subject areas (e.g. art, sport, etc.).
With the student, their parents and teachers, the co-ordinators develop an individual education plan (IEP) for the students that takes into account their areas of strength, challenge and interest to develop long and short term learning goals. In this way, we aim to encourage our well-abled students develop higher-order and critical thinking skills through curriculum enhancement tasks in the context of a mixed-ability classroom.