Years 9 & 10
Years 9 & 10
As well as continuing their study in the core subjects, students in Years 9 and 10 have the opportunity to select electives from across all Learning Areas. In Year 9 these electives are known as Breadth Subjects and in Year 10 they are known as Pathways Subjects (as students start to consider their pathway into the senior years and beyond).
Some popular electives include Life Science, Business and Law, Fabulous Food, Automotive & Engineering, Digital Imaging, Music: School of Rock, Robotics, Script to Stage, and Paddock to Plate.
Students in Year 9 continue with the Homegroup program with increasing focus on Careers and Pathways as well as Respectful Relationships.
At Year 10, students engage in a Careers program that enables them to explore a variety of post-secondary pathways. They complete important Safe@Work modules and complete a week of work experience in a field of their choice.
At Year 10, students also have the opportunity to accelerate their learning program through accessing a VCE or VET subject in their elective load (see Years 11 and 12 for subject offerings).