December 2, 2022  |  News

KHS Newsletter : 2 December 2022

KHS NEWS - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

2nd December 2022

From Ana - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

We began our “Begin 2023” timetable this week with all students stepping into their 2023 learning programs. It has been great to see how seriously students have approached this transition into their next stage of learning, from our new “Year 8s” to our new “Year 12s.” For our senior students it is an opportunity to get ahead and be ready to make a strong start in Term 1 next year, so it is important for them to follow the advice of their teachers regarding holiday tasks, whilst enjoying a relaxing Christmas break, of course!

The Year 11s (our 2023 Year 12s) had a very enjoyable excursion to Luna Park this week. It was even more special because the idea for it came from a VCAL Personal Development Skills project undertaken by Tahlia and Bella. Our year 11 VCAL students undertook a wide range of projects this year to benefit others or community, and we are very proud of their efforts.

Another excellent student-led event this week was the recess and lunch BBQ run by the Student Leadership Team. All profits will go towards purchasing new raised garden beds for the school community garden. I would like to acknowledge Olivia Hedge, our Senior Sustainability Captain, who submitted the request to approve the fundraising to the School Council. Our Council members were impressed with the quality of Olivia’s submission. Also, thank you to Mrs Rosemary White for supporting Olivia and the SLT with the organisation of food orders and finances, and to our Chaplain Gareth for his help with cooking the BBQ.

Finally, this year’s issue of our school yearbook, Columns, has been published and is being distributed this week. What a pleasure it is to read! Thank you to our Editor, Stephen McDonald, for his brilliant work in producing this publication for our school community to enjoy, not just now, but also in those moments in the years to come when we pause to look back at 2022.

Ana Rees

Rocket Science

On Wednesday the 30th of November, Kyneton High School was extremely privileged to have Emma Barnett from VSSEC to present us with a brand new telescope and rocket launchers for us to use and keep. 

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Many of our Year 9 classes got to experience a bottle rocket session run by Emma as part of their Step Up program for 2023. We are now the proud owners of three new bottle rocket launchers. See them blasting off below!

In typical fashion, the students of the now Year 12 Biology class were eager to model our new equipment and enjoyed posing in a photo with the telescope as we envisioned what it would be like to stare at the SUN.

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The future’s so bright…
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VSSEC applies the latest educational research to develop effective programs for both students and teachers. To maintain the highest level of excellence in both pedagogy and science content, the Centre’s Advisory Board is drawn from academia, education and government.

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We look forward to the new learning opportunities that have been granted to us through the gifting of this equipment and the exciting new outlook for Science in 2023 at Kyneton High School 😊

Mrs Swinden

Drama @ Kyneton High

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Students in Years 7 and 8 have finished off their semester looking at the performance style of Melodrama showing the exaggerated characters and stories. This has involved practical workshops in the expressive skills of gesture, movement and facial expressions. The Junior Drama course has been designed to build student’s confidence, communication and collaboration skills in a range of practical workshops and activities. Students completed a scripted performance of a Melodrama story using our newly set up performance space.

“I felt that my confidence has increased in this performance.”

“I spoke in an American accent really well.”

“I really liked performing.”

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Students in Year 9 have also completed their course, ‘Script to Stage’ with a class production of 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse by Don Zolidis. Students chose and developed a design element including acting, costume, makeup, set design, lighting, sound and props. We then presented our performance at school to a selection of students and staff.

“I enjoyed the performance. Out of my comfort zone, something new.” (Charlie)

“It made me think about how to gain confidence when performing in front of people.” (Jacquelynn)

 “I enjoyed the performance because I enjoyed being backstage.” (Chennay)

Mrs Kerry Turpie

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Life’s A Rollercoaster

Luna Park In Three Acts

long roller coaster - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

By Zoe Bespalov

In an excursion organised by students Bella and Tahlia, Year 11 ventured to Luna Park last Tuesday 29th of November. The day was as follows:


The wind was windy, the sun was hot , and the time was upon us. Bus driver Gary delivered us safely to Luna Park’s gates, and we passed through its foreboding entrance, unsure of what the day would deliver.

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Here’s us looking totally apprehensive


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Here’s us looking super scared
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The rides were no laughing matter, even for those most seasoned of thrill seekers. The most popular ride amongst students and teachers was the Scenic Railway, a century-old rollercoaster traversing the park’s exterior. An absolutely petrifying experience, even more impressive than the ride’s age and splendour were the dazzling photographs taken of us on the ride throughout the day.

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    Upon returning home, students reflected on their favourite parts of the excursion, which were:

    • ‘Getting violently shaken at the front of the rollercoaster’-LH
    • The upside-down one’-CM
    • The tombstone one’-MB
    • The spinny one’-CG
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    The day’s sole drawback was the closure of the carousel, easily the most highly anticipated ride amongst the attending students. However, it is collectively agreed that the day was a resounding success, and lots of fun was had by everyone who attended.

    All those in attendance would like to extend thanks to the staff members accompanying us – Anne-Marie, Ms Flynn, Gareth and Mrs Nelms – for chaperoning us on the day and ensuring that all things went as they should. A massive thanks to Bella and Tahlia for organising this excursion and making the day possible. Thanks also to bus driver Gary. 

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    Who knew there were so many transferable career and life skills to be gained by studying drama, or taking part in school productions.

    6 Kyneton High alumni recently shared their experiences of studying drama or taking part in school productions, and the skills they gained benefitting them beyond the classroom and into their professional lives – public speaking skills, leadership, project management, collaboration, increased self-confidence and empathy to name a few!

    Here’s a very brief snapshot of how this subject had a long lasting influence both professionally and personally.

    A very big “thank you” to all the alumni involved for sharing your insights. A longer version of the video will be used as a resource by the drama teachers to show to students, perhaps when students are wondering…. “what’s the point in doing Drama when I don’t want to be an actor”

    Huw Davey – Laboratory Technician, class of ‘12

    Molly O’Donohue – Doctor, class of ‘15

    Mathew Shaw – PhD in Astrometallurgy, class of ‘10

    Nikita Scott – Freelance Creative, class of ‘14

    Tahlia Campbell – Copywriter and Digital Marketer, class of ‘16

    Hayley Townsend – Drama Teacher, class of ‘15

    Lucy King
    Alumni Coordinator

    Alumni Spotlight : Bevan May

    THEN NOW Bevan May - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

    How do you change careers from a Music Teacher – to a Pilot?!

    Bevan May did exactly this on the cusp of COVID, taking flight with a brand-new career pathway. Here’s his journey from school, to now.

    After school:
    I studied a double degree in Music and Teaching, before working as a music teacher in a High School for 8 years.

    I’m a Pilot with Rex Airlines.

    Rex - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

    How did you transition from a teacher to a pilot?

    I was always interested in flying and aviation, so when I was 32 I applied for a Cadetship through Rex Airlines to become a pilot. I worked really hard to get accepted into the Cadetship program and moved to Wagga Wagga (where Rex are based) to study and train.

    Favourite aspects of your job:
    I enjoy the technical aspects to flying with the engineering and science behind aviation – plus the view out of my ‘office’ window every day!

    Future goal:
    To become a Captain

    Advice for students:
    There are various ways to get into the aviation industry and it’s possible for anyone if you’re prepared to put in some effort.

    Being a pilot is still a male dominated industry, we need more females to get involved! Airlines are also looking for Leadership skills in applicants.

    Thanks for sharing your interesting post-school journey and change of career Bevan, and welcome to the alumni program!

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    School Notices

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    Stop - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

    It is very important that all students adhere to the road rules at all times.

    It has been brought to the attention of the school that students are putting themselves in danger while crossing the roads coming to and upon leaving the school.

    Students must use the crossing in Epping Street.

    When crossing Ferguson Street please cross at the ‘Stop’ sign on the corner.

    Do not cross between the buses.


    Arguably not as important as the one above,
    but that depends on your perspective of course!

    The KHS 2022 Yearbook
    Has LANDED!

    100 pages of glorious memories, celebrations, events, sports, a bazillion photos, random mayhem, and magnificent creativity!
    The WHOLE YEAR squeezed into a big bright bouncy souvenir.
    PLUS 10 sneaky intruder sharks.
    Go mad trying to find them all.

    Parents/Guardians: If you ordered a copy, it’s available to collect. All students on our order list have been sent a Xuno message to collect their yearbook from the Library, but a reminder from home might be helpful!

    We do have a limited number of leftover copies available now from the office for $25 while stocks last!!!

    Don’t wait… you’ve only got 2 WEEKS.
    The office will be closed after
    Friday December 16th.


    Columns 2022 - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
    Columns 2022 cover
    Oval - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning
    Some examples of prime
    KHS Mayhem from the pages of COLUMNS 2022
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    The Kyneton High School Drama Department are looking for donations of clothes, handbags, hats and kitchen utensils for use on our performances. These items should be in reasonable condition for students to be able to use. Students will then be able to use them as costumes and props in our workshops and performances in Drama.  

    If you have any of these items that we might be able to use, please bring them to the General Office before the end of the school year.

    Thanks in advance!

    Mrs Kerry Turpie

    VCE and VCAL Pathways Info


    VCE study scores, ATAR and VTAC Scaled Study Scores will be available to students via the Results and ATAR website and the Results and ATAR app on Monday 12 December 2022 at 7.00 am. Students will receive a statement of VCE study scores from the VCAA, and those who applied for courses through VTAC this year and have paid their VTAC processing fees, will be sent an ATAR statement in the mail. Students who wish to receive their results online, will need to register at Results and ATAR before results are released. 

    Registrations are already open, and students are encouraged to register soon.

    Note: To register, students need their VCAA student number and will be requested to choose a secure password on registering.

    We are here to talk through your plans and back up plans over next few weeks. 


    Many courses are open NOW. Look at website for each institution. Call/drop in (Wed-Friday) if you need help. 


    Look at your inboxes, key dates and preferences at: 

    PAY FOR VTAC! You need to do this by the 6th of December in order to be eligible for the first round of offers.  

    VTAC personal statement and supporting documentation. Check your VTAC in-boxes.2nd of December
    VTAC payment due6th of December
    ResultsMonday 12th December, 7 am.
    Change of preference for December offers closes.
    Ring us / come in and see us!
    Opens December 12th 
    and closes 14 December (4 pm.)
    December offers.
    Accept what you get – call to chat if you need
    21st of December
    Change of preference for January offersOpens 21st December and closes 22nd December
    January offers13 January 2023

    Lizzie Trembath

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    The Head Start Apprenticeship and Traineeship Program has been renewed for another 4 years. This is great news for students looking at exploring options with school-based apprenticeships or traineeships. Since the program began in 2019 we have supported 31 students from Kyneton High School to gain school-based apprenticeships or traineeships and have supported them while they work toward completing Year 12. These students are working in areas such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical, landscape construction, cabinet making, stone masonry, light and heavy vehicle mechanical technology, hospitality, hairdressing, education support & early childhood education & care.

    The Head Start Program would like to Congratulate the following students who completed Year 12 in 2022. These students have continued with their apprenticeship or traineeship since finishing school and we are proud of their persistence and hard work with school, work and TAFE.

    • Willem Jones – Engineering  
    • Hayden Ryan – Civil Construction
    • Lizzie Black – Hairdressing
    • Lily Richmond – Agriculture

    If you would like more information about the Head Start program please contact Kelli Hewton on or 0428 998 261

    Smoking And Vaping

    Information from the Department of Education

    Parents, carers, schools, and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects of smoking and vaping.

    Research from the Royal Children’s Hospital shows many parents and carers are not aware of the harmful effects or how their views about smoking and vaping can impact the likelihood of a young person taking up smoking or vaping.

    The Department of Education and Training has collated resources to help you learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping, and some suggestions about how to talk to your child about vaping, and where to get support.

    This includes a video from experts at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne with tips for parents for starting a conversation with teenagers about vaping.

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    Coming up…

    Some dates for the diary

    Monday 5th December – Friday 9th DecemberYear 8-12 ‘Begin 2023’
    Wednesday 7th DecemberYear 9 camp
    Thursday 8th DecemberYear 9 camp
    2022 Year 7 Funfields excursion
    Final School Council meeting
    Friday 9th December Year 9 camp
    Year 10 & 11 last day
    Monday 12th DecemberYear 8 camp
    Tuesday 13th December2023 Year 7 Orientation Day
    No classes for other year levels
    Year 8 camp
    Wednesday 14th DecemberYear 8 camp
    Friday 16th DecemberAwards ceremony
    Tuesday 20th DecemberEnd of Term 4
    Happy hols!
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    Community notices - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

    Looking for some work over the summer holidays?
    BARKER TRAILERS (North Woodend) are looking for factory support workers.

    Finishing ad - Kyneton High School - Excellence in Teaching & Learning

    Various levels of tasks, including kit-making, cleanup crew, parts running, prepping trailers for delivery, attaching mudflaps & toolboxes; wiring of lights etc.

    Full on-the-job training.
    Would suit you if you are:

    • Punctual and reliable
    • Positive attitude and willingness to learn
    • Self-motivated
    • Have a reliable mode of transport to get to work
    • Ability to problem solve
    • Team orientated
    • Mechanical aptitude
    • Safety first attitude

    Full details here:

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